geekhack Community > Ergonomics

Clicky ergonomic

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I have an iMate on my iMac and I don't notice any iproblems at all.

Do Apple keyboards work with "IBM compatible" pc's.  I assumed they did not.  Unfortnately for me, I'm stuck in a Vista world for reasons beyond the scope of this discussion.

If it's an Apple USB keyboard, it should work.

ADB will work with a Griffin iMate, although I've heard it doesn't work well. (Note Astra Diesel's post above.)

What about Maltron? They're not a conventional ergonomic and they're not cheap but they do use cherry switches.

Whiskey in the Jar-o:

--- Quote from: IBI;3541 ---What about Maltron? They're not a conventional ergonomic and they're not cheap but they do use cherry switches.
--- End quote ---

The Maltron looks like something that belongs in a public restroom.  The Kinesis Advantage uses the same brown Cherry switches, and looks better IMO.


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