Previous Events Archive > KeyCon 2016

KeyCon 2016 Planning, Organizing, and Fraternizing (Location selected)

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from lookin at the boards, looks like widdlekitty was there, JQ obviously, not sure on the others.

What is the keyboard on the lower right and the big one third from top going down?

octagon v2

dell at101w i think

6 people? What has been the biggest keycon in the past? Surely there is usually more people and this year has just been bad timing? There are usually more people at small local keyboard meetups


--- Quote from: jaffers on Sun, 16 October 2016, 06:08:33 ---6 people? What has been the biggest keycon in the past? Surely there is usually more people and this year has just been bad timing? There are usually more people at small local keyboard meetups

--- End quote ---
This years was initially planning for it looked like 40-50 like last year, but with the delay out of summer and last minute plans it shrank.  This one just takes the cake of the bad timings.  Still was a great time.


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