I got a Filco in the mail yesterday, and started using it as soon as I could. I used it all day; no problems, but then this morning when I turned on my PC I noticed the LEDs kept blinking, every time they blinked all input was ignored.
Suddenly all my usb devices stop responding (hmf...) so I have to restart.
After the restart the Filco just lights up, all the LEDs light up, no response at all.
I have tried connecting it via the PS/2 connector that I got with it, does the same thing, tried another computer, same thing, all lights no response.
I found
this thread which had a similar problem, but it sounds like the board was older than mine (brand new).
I got it from theKeyboardCo which I've read about on the forum and it seems they don't have a history of shipping bad hardware.
Did I get a bad one or is there a solution to the problem?
Oh and my other USB devices work again so it is probably not the computer.