Dear Bruce, Robert and the rest of KC,
wanna thank you for yet another great shipment and service provided by your company.
Just ordered last week a Filco palm rest and one blank 1.25 modifier keycaps to mod my cherry capslock and you sent me an addititional 1.25 keycap for free.

Now that I like the feeling of the blank keycaps, I'm thinking of buying one 105er blank set from you [what you've done to me :yo:?!].
... so my to do list for the next months is:
another filco majestouch 2/105 XRB (mx blue) for my desktop at work
1x filco roof top
1x filco 105 blank keycap set
Besides I've two question for you:
1. How do I add more products or quantities to my recent order within few hours if I already paid via paypal, so I can pay less for shipment? How I pay the difference?
2. Is there any chance to purchase a Filco NINJA keycap set in the future (some information from Filco)?
Keep up the good work!
Kind Regards