Author Topic: Appreciate Thead  (Read 2955 times)

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Offline Haes

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Appreciate Thead
« on: Tue, 07 June 2011, 23:43:58 »
Dear Bruce, Robert and the rest of KC,

wanna thank you for yet another great shipment and service provided by your company.
Just ordered last week a Filco palm rest and one blank 1.25 modifier keycaps to mod my cherry capslock and you sent me an addititional 1.25 keycap for free. :thumb:

Now that I like the feeling of the blank keycaps, I'm thinking of buying one 105er blank set from you [what you've done to me :yo:?!].

 ... so my to do list for the next months is:

another filco majestouch 2/105 XRB (mx blue) for my desktop at work
1x filco roof top
1x filco 105 blank keycap set

Besides I've two question for you:

1. How do I add more products or quantities to my recent order within few hours if I already paid via paypal, so I can pay less for shipment? How I pay the difference?

2. Is there any chance to purchase a Filco NINJA keycap set in the future (some information from Filco)?

Keep up the good work!

Kind Regards

« Last Edit: Wed, 08 June 2011, 02:06:48 by Haes »
Daily Driver: Filco Majestouch 2 (MX Blue) with Cherry ABS Doubleshots | Future Gaming Driver: Filco Majestouch 2 (MX Red) with Cherry ABS Doubleshots | Favorite Switches: Cherry MX Blue > Cherry MX Red  > Cherry MX Ergo Clears > Cherry MX Black > Cherry MX Brown | Interessting in: Topre Realforce , Noppoo Choc Mini & KBC Poker[/COLOR]

Offline Bruce

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Appreciate Thead
« Reply #1 on: Thu, 16 June 2011, 14:20:03 »
Hi Lukasz

I don't think our checkout has the facility to revisit an order once payment has been made so there is no elegant solution but if it comes up again drop one of us an email and we can make a manual adjustment. That would be no problem.

Ninja keysets are only going to be 'on board' for the foreseeable future. Sorry.
We really appreciate the positive feedback. Thank You.