Author Topic: Cheap Ergonomic Vertical Mouse  (Read 4998 times)

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Offline cb951303

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Cheap Ergonomic Vertical Mouse
« on: Sun, 14 December 2008, 04:20:35 »

It looks like well built and better designed than evoluent. Anyone tried it? Any experiences? Built quality?

Filco Zero FKBN87Z/EB
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Offline wellington1869

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Cheap Ergonomic Vertical Mouse
« Reply #1 on: Sun, 14 December 2008, 06:29:28 »
Quote from: cb951303;14717

It looks like well built and better designed than evoluent. Anyone tried it? Any experiences? Built quality?


I almost bought one of these. This looks like a new model, the old model was a lot smaller, IIRC, and you held it almost like a pen. Never tried it though but it did look very ergo.

This is the one I'm thinking of:

notice there are three variations on it.

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Offline cb951303

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Cheap Ergonomic Vertical Mouse
« Reply #2 on: Sun, 14 December 2008, 12:59:34 »
thanks for reply. I'm torn between this and trackman wheel. Basically I want a mouse that will reduce my wrist pain. what would you choose for that purpose: a trackball or vertical mouse?
Filco Zero FKBN87Z/EB
Kensington Orbit K72337US

Offline wellington1869

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Cheap Ergonomic Vertical Mouse
« Reply #3 on: Sun, 14 December 2008, 13:54:43 »
Quote from: cb951303;14738
what would you choose for that purpose: a trackball or vertical mouse?

It really depends so much on your particular wrist. To be honest, what I would do is buy both and try both and keep the one you like and re-sell the one you dont like (resell on ebay/craigslist/amazon or elsewhere).  I'm a big believer in trying out hardware in person like that, you can really re-sell almost anything and usually get almost all your money back.

(and as a bonus,  so long as you have both, write a review of them for geekhack ;) )

To give you an example, I had RSI once (I had to wear my wrist in a cast for a while!), and began a search for a more ergonomic mouse. For me, one mouse didnt solve my problems, but a combination of mice did. I wound up buying a trackball (and even with trackballs, only one particular model and brand wound up working for me, the other brands did not), and used it in combination with a usb trackpad I found on amazon (which I placed underneath the spacebar of my keyboard). Using both together solved the RSI issue. (And once it went away, by the way, I no longer have either of those, I went back to a regular mouse and have not had problems since - so go figure).  But in both those cases, I used the trackball and trackpad for about one year, and then resold both for about the same price that I had bought them for.

The wowpen may not have a big resale value if its not that well known but on the other hand I find that ergonomic devices keep their resale value very well and are always in demand by RSI sufferers.

Anyway that would be my advice, get both, use both, resell the ones you dont need. Your wrist will thank you :)  It doesnt make sense to skimp too much on hardware that you use every single day all day.

(That said, if you absolutely have to choose between them, I think both will be ergonomic, but the vertical mouse will have a slightly higher adjustment period. I used a vertical mouse once (our secretary at work has one, whenever I fix her computer I use it) and when you're new to it, I found it to be really *wacky* to use, I would need to use it for about 5 days before I felt comfortable with it. That said, I could see how it would keep your wrist totally vertical and straight). But the trackball also keeps your wrist at a more natural angle and is much easier to adjust to). The trick with RSI (my doctor told me) is that the wrist needs to be as straight as possible, all the time).

"Blah blah blah grade school blah blah blah IBM PS/2s blah blah blah I like Model Ms." -- Kishy

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Offline wellington1869

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Cheap Ergonomic Vertical Mouse
« Reply #4 on: Sun, 14 December 2008, 14:10:40 »
by the way, out of curiosity I checked the "completed listings" on ebay for wow-pens, to see what they're reselling for. There werent that many of them, just a few, and there was at least one used one that sold in auction for $25 (about $5 under retail), so its likely you'll be able to resell it without a huge loss.

Amazon has both styles of wow-pen starting at $25, used. They're pretty well reviewed.

"Blah blah blah grade school blah blah blah IBM PS/2s blah blah blah I like Model Ms." -- Kishy

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Offline cb951303

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Cheap Ergonomic Vertical Mouse
« Reply #5 on: Sun, 14 December 2008, 14:20:37 »
I guess I will buy both of them like you said. they are not that expensive comparing to gaming mouses and m$ crap.

Why did you stop using trackball + trackpad anyway?

thanks very much for advice btw.
Filco Zero FKBN87Z/EB
Kensington Orbit K72337US

Offline wellington1869

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Cheap Ergonomic Vertical Mouse
« Reply #6 on: Sun, 14 December 2008, 14:23:02 »
It appears the model you linked to is also being sold as the "joy mouse". . There's two on amazon (I linked to the $25.99 one cuz it has a review, but there's also a $24.99 one)

"Blah blah blah grade school blah blah blah IBM PS/2s blah blah blah I like Model Ms." -- Kishy

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Offline wellington1869

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Cheap Ergonomic Vertical Mouse
« Reply #7 on: Sun, 14 December 2008, 14:26:12 »
Quote from: cb951303;14752
I guess I will buy both of them like you said. they are not that expensive comparing to gaming mouses and m$ crap.

yea, if you can afford it, its really the best way to go I think. Its not all that expensive, as you say.


Why did you stop using trackball + trackpad anyway?

I think it was gaming that brought me back to regular mice (they're much better for gaming, IMO, when I went thru a BF1942 phase), and I pleasantly discovered that my RSI had been cured and so I just went back to regular mice. I do find them more familiar. The trackball was great once I got used to it, but its hard to compete with the range of motion and speed that a regular mouse can give you. Same with trackpad.


thanks very much for advice btw.

no problem at all, glad to help :)  Be sure to review the wow-pen for us geekhackers, I'm curious what you'd think about it. Lots of pics too :)

"Blah blah blah grade school blah blah blah IBM PS/2s blah blah blah I like Model Ms." -- Kishy

using: ms 7000/Das 3