geekhack Marketplace > Classifieds
[WTB] DSA Granite FR keys
I know this isn't the reply that you want to hear, but thought I'd throw an option out there for you. I'm looking for the same keys myself and this thread turned up in a forum search.
I reached out to Signature Plastics a few weeks ago to ask about availability of these keys since they are selling DSA Granite sets on their site and they said that it would have to be a custom order since "this original artwork doesn’t exist in our system anymore". They gave me a price of $40 for the custom order "on top of the key price" (which is $5 per key on the website). It was too steep for me so I declined, but if you're still looking it might not be for you.
--- Quote from: eiki on Thu, 29 August 2024, 02:01:49 ---I know this isn't the reply that you want to hear, but thought I'd throw an option out there for you. I'm looking for the same keys myself and this thread turned up in a forum search.
I reached out to Signature Plastics a few weeks ago to ask about availability of these keys since they are selling DSA Granite sets on their site and they said that it would have to be a custom order since "this original artwork doesn’t exist in our system anymore". They gave me a price of $40 for the custom order "on top of the key price" (which is $5 per key on the website). It was too steep for me so I declined, but if you're still looking it might not be for you.
--- End quote ---
Hello !
Thanks to your message i had the curiosity to contact them for a quote and, i dunno why, for me they told me that they had the source files of the original artwork, i ended up paying 57$ without shipping for the 23 missing french keys.
Got them today and they are absolutely top notch, they match perfectly the rest of the OG keys in every way, dunno why they told you that they need to redo the artwork, you might want to send them a quote request again.
Cheers !
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