geekhack Community > Meetups

Arizona Meetup - Feb 23rd in Phoenix


Heyo, I'm back to announce that we'll be having another meetup here in Arizona!
 February 23rd: 12pm-6pm
 Marriot: Residence Inn Conference Room near Skyharbor in Phoenix: (Maps link)

 This room will be a bit smaller than last year's as I have not had the normal amount of free time to line up sponsors this year. Although each meetup has had more and more people I'm sure we will have fun nonetheless!

/u/vinzlr has lined up a few Artisan Keycap Giveaways, so come on out for a chance to win and of course show off your KEYBOARDS!

Trying to get a solid headcount, so please fill out the form if you haven't already.

If you are a vendor and want to sponsor this meetup and/or do a giveaway, please let me know via PM.

And if you're local to Arizona, but not already in the Discord, stop by and join the party!

Sorry I cannot make it but I did try to join the discord thing and it says the invite has expired... Can a new one be posted? Thanks!

Sent from my Pixel 3 XL using Tapatalk


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