geekhack Community > Keyboards

QMK Toolbox says flash was successful but no keys to debug


I'm a newb.  I've been following a youtube video on getting my Let's Split olkb set up using qmk toolbox.  Everything looks good in qmk toolbox.  When I hit reset, the signal is picked up, when I flash my hex file, I get a success message.  But then, why I start typing on the keyboard, none of the keys work.  I'm totally confused, and I don't know how to debug.  Are the switches not properly contacting with the PCB?  If so, how do I confirm that?  Is there some special step I need to take because I'm on a Mac?  I can't find a troubleshooting guide that addresses this stage of a successful flash, but the keystrokes not registering.  Any tips or guides out there for this use case, or are there any services where I can pay someone to help me debug this?

Here's the tutorial that I'm following: 

Before flashing did the keys work? Most pcb's come pre flashed. Since all keys don't work it's probably the hex file.

Since you are this far into his tutorial I assume you have a working QMK environment. If your board is supported you should find the keyboard under the creators named folder and compile a default hex file and flash it from the command line. If that doesn't fix your issue then, your board could be faulty.

I've had it work right away then not work after unplug-plug and I've had some that needed an unplug-plug to work.


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