geekhack Marketplace > The Gallows

Margo's Mods

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margo baggins:
Thanks for the vouch Bunnybro,

I have lots of potatos I will get them all uploaded and put in this thread in due course.

margo's mods has a nice ring to it ;)


--- Quote from: BunnyLake on Wed, 23 October 2013, 14:04:38 ---
--- Quote from: Photekq on Wed, 23 October 2013, 14:03:36 ---Jesus.. Those are some really great prices.

--- End quote ---

we aim to please

--- End quote ---
I actually had to do a double take when I first read them. They are ridiculously low.

GL margo, bunny & CAS.

margo baggins:
38GT Full LED

SMDs on 38GT and some diodes going in

Cougar Attack custom backlight

LED test on poker after fitting beast plate

Fitting beast plate to poker

Other pictures:

Nice prices, welcome Margo!

let's see some joints!  ;)

Ctrl-Alt-Store really making some improvements as of recent, great work guys


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