geekhack Marketplace > Artisan Services


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I am trying to post a thread in the Artisan Services board, but can't seem to find the button?  Is there some kind of post count I need?


--- Quote from: AphelionXII on Sun, 16 August 2015, 23:41:42 ---I am trying to post a thread in the Artisan Services board, but can't seem to find the button?  Is there some kind of post count I need?

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From what I understand posting in the artisan section has the same requirements as posting in classifieds, 25 posts and 2 months of membership. You can always PM a moderator for details.

Just curious. How long does it usually take before the thread gets approval?  ;D


--- Quote from: adamski07 on Sun, 20 September 2015, 21:19:36 ---Just curious. How long does it usually take before the thread gets approval?  ;D

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soontm? :p

If it takes too long, please hit the Report to moderator link and report that it is pending approval. :thumb:


--- Quote from: infiniti on Thu, 24 September 2015, 22:34:23 ---
--- Quote from: adamski07 on Sun, 20 September 2015, 21:19:36 ---Just curious. How long does it usually take before the thread gets approval?  ;D

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soontm? :p

If it takes too long, please hit the Report to moderator link and report that it is pending approval. :thumb:

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I put up a new thread a few days ago, tried the report to moderator, & have seen mods on since and am still not getting approval on mine, so I'm worried I did something wrong in my post?? I'd like to get up and running since we have a giveaway being drawn in a few days and prepping for a sale in less than 10. I know everyone is busy, so mostly just wondering if there was something in my post I shouldn't have put or ?? (We are new so I may have oopsed!), if I'm just being impatient, just let me know and I'll be more patient!! Thank you!!


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