Author Topic: Good morning and hello from the UK!  (Read 3721 times)

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Offline OneDarkEnigma

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Good morning and hello from the UK!
« on: Thu, 12 January 2023, 06:35:54 »
Hi all, I'm Pete and I; along with a friend, are at the start of our journey with a small PC building service/company.
It started for us back in the lockdown whilst I suddenly had to provide home-schooling capability to my eldest child who was 6/7 at the time. Her school exclusively used Microsoft office and for ease of use I looked into getting it also only to find the exuberant prices Microsoft can charge and I wondered how others were getting on in the hopes of finding someone who could offer us access to theirs. Through talking to friends and colleagues in similar situations I found that they couldn't afford to provide equipment due to availability, the sudden rise in cost and general affordability; especially for those with older children.
I had a couple of PCs that I was able to give out after a clean and reinstall, so it all kind of started there. Also during the lockdown I also took on care of an elderly relative, selling their house and moving all of us to a new property left me with some money and space to start doing this on a bigger scale. My friend wanted to learn how to build his own PC and after getting the parts came to stay, he then got involved and so it grew arms and legs.
Now that everyone is back to school this isn't really an issue anymore; albeit there are still kids out there needing rigs to play Minecraft/Roblox on. We've since moved onto building top tier gaming rigs now with some prospective contracts with E-Sports establishments.
HOWEVER, now to the meat and bones of why I'm here, you are all here for, and what excites us. I decided to try a Mechanical keyboard as I now had the money to do so (This was two years ago) but my first MK was a 100% Hyper X Alloy, it sounded and felt incredible. I was hooked. Soon after I was on a Cisco networking course where we had all of our lab eqpt on a tiny desk. I needed more room and typing on a membrane for excessive periods of time just wasn't on the cards. I invested in a 60% Ducky One2Mini and I was happy.
However, whilst scrolling through forums I spied some limited edition Duckies and so went onto hunt and found the One2Mini Year of the Rat edition new for £400 or make an offer on EBay. I inserted a joke bid for £250 (The RRP for this super rare - out of stock everywhere - keyboard). To my surprise it wasn't auto rejected, and to my further surprise whilst shopping later it was accepted (I did not have the money for this so onto the CC it went).
After it’s arrival a couple of days later I exclaimed to my wife “It finally came, I’ve had this on pre-order ages ago!” (I do this a lot). However, I really needed to embrace the 60% life and did so for some time until one day, I found a Marvo DIY 60% on EBay which required assembly. Boy oh boy did this catapult me hard into the deep dark depths of the hobby. I’ve since tried a multitude of various types and styles and have recently (yesterday) bought the GMMK Pro, it’s Meh, but it’ll do until I find the end-game keeb (And I’m happy to lul myself into the false reality of that ever happening).
BUT, the real reason why I’ve landed on these forums is that I want to make one (non Sublimation) single keycap with the Company logo name on to ship with every PC sale we make as I feel that’d be a nice touch.

Thank you all, for coming to my ted talk