geekhack Community > Keyboards

Cherry crush

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I couldn't find the manufacturer information either.  All I did find was a site that sells a lot of them:

They seem to sell most of the major mechanical keyboard brands.

I read in a forum that this was the KBtalking site but it looks more like an informational page:

Whatever, it sure is a stylish piece of kit:

I saw all those links in my search. That Inpad site looks good, and the other night I emailed them to see if they ship to the US. I doubt they do.

And it looks like the KbTalking keyboards run about $110 to $125 (converted to American). Not a bad price, and it looks like some models let you pick which MX switch you want as an option which how it should be.

I guess probably it will be okay if I say something about FILCO keyboard and KBtalKing keyboard.

Because most of you guys cannot read chinese (no offence ^_^), there are things about KBtalking and you don't know.

Actually the worst part is the factory keep on delaying the deadline they claimed to ship KBtalKing keyboard. All buyers paid whole amount of money in advance, but they wait about half an year to get the keyboard. It's a bit out of control. Many pre-order customers discussed about this issue since 2 months ago.

That's the first run of KBtalKing pre-order activity.

About 3-4 months ago(I don't quite remember how many months ago), the seller open the second run of KBtalking keyboard pre-order activity. (Surely they change some thing like FONTS or LEDs during the second run. The second run of Kbtalking keyboard is a bit different from the first run)

As far as I know, the factory haven't ship the second run of Kbtalking keyboards.

Besides the delay of the Kbtalking, the buyers also argue the quality of Kbtalking. Some users reply that their Kbtalking's keycap word fading too quickly. It only takes about less than a month and the words are truly fading.

Probably because of that they try to change the printing skill from ink printing to Laser printing.

What's more, the key is not straight in the line, especially those double space keys like Enter or SHIFT. I mean those keys should be right parallel to the up and side of the keyboard, but it turns out some of the keys are not. it is a bit crooked, not so parallel to the up and side of the keyboard.

What's more, we find out the same type of keyboard which is now selling in Japan (it's a JP Layout keyboard), but the price is about 500 NT cheaper than they sell in Taiwan. The point is not they sell cheaper in Japan. The point is the seller in Japan is a seller with at least four stores in Japan and we could understand he have to pay an amount of money for those house rents and hiring people to sell products. But the seller in Taiwan is only a web-seller, and he has no real store. Besides, the keyboard is made in Taiwan, so you guys could imagine that the Japan seller need to pay for the extra shipping fee to Japan and probably have to pay for some Japan local keyboard examination fees. But the seller in Taiwan just get the keyboard directly from the factory. No shipping fee and surely don't need to pay for the local japan keyboard examination fee. However, it turns out the final price of japan seller is about 500 NTD cheaper than taiwan seller's price. That's the outcome we see.

Anyway, it's a nice keyboard and it's customized by user's keyboard. Hence it has its strong point.

I myself suggest buyers shall consider the Filco keyboard first, and than kbtalking keyboard. the quality of them two are different.

Finally, the website

is the officially site of selling kbtalking keyboard. This is the seller's own forum.

The webpage is one store in Tainan(another place of taiwan ). They corporate with the seller, so they also sell kbtalking keyboards.

If you would like my advise about buying KBtalking, I guess probably I will pick a laser key one, just in case the font fading too quickly.

Anyway, I had a quarrel with the seller about years ago over one keyboard's selling on Taiwan's one Famous BBS called "PTT". From then on he said he will not sell me any keyboard, and he will not buy any keyboard from me. (I do gather some people to buy keyboards together to get a nice price or get some keyboards which needs a big MOQ to ask cherry to manufacture. But I don't do that kinda of thing for a long time)

So I cannot buy a KBtalking. I could just borrow one from my friends. ^_^


--- Quote from: skyian;3439 ---If you would like my advise about buying KBtalking, I guess probably I will pick a laser key one, just in case the font fading too quickly.

Anyway, I had a quarrel with the seller about years ago over one keyboard's selling on Taiwan's one Famous BBS called "PTT". From then on he said he will not sell me any keyboard, and he will not buy any keyboard from me. (I do gather some people to buy keyboards together to get a nice price or get some keyboards which needs a big MOQ to ask cherry to manufacture. But I don't do that kinda of thing for a long time)

So I cannot buy a KBtalking. I could just borrow one from my friends. ^_^
--- End quote ---

What does the PTT look like? I seen it mentioned on sites but I don't know what it is.


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