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In remembrance: Smallfry aka Nathan W.

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feel free to send me and the rest of the staff PMs about nate. we will be responding as we can. i am thinking that we should organize something for his family but i can't really think what at all right now.

I couldn't believe it when I heard the news. I just had to sit in shock and disbelief for a while. He was an integral part of this community and he influenced a lot of people in a positive way.

His Father actually contacted me regarding any keyboard related stuff he had going in an attempt to tie up any loose ends. I ensured him that he need not worry about that stuff now and expressed my sympathy and condolences to him. He knows how much this community means to Nate.

SmallFry will be missed tremendously. His knowledge, enthusiasm, and energy were unmatched. 

This was awful, shocking news to wake up to this morning.  SmallFry was a friend and a pillar of the community.  A young hacker in the best sense of the word -- curious, intelligent, generous, fun-loving, and community-minded.  Geekhack will miss him.

It was just yesterday, I was wondering why I hadn't seen him chirping in on this, that and the other...
A very sad day and truly a loss for are community.

Wow. I'm still in shock. He was always trying to be helpful and friendly. I remember being new on GH and he was one to never gets tired of answering questions no matter how elementary they were. He will be missed. RIP SmallFry.


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