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Post your Nightcaps!

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thanks again etf  :thumb:


--- Quote from: chromatically on Mon, 22 February 2016, 16:30:30 ---SO SHINY

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thanks again etf  :thumb:

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Awesome!  :thumb:   

I really want all of these. Damn this mech life.

Got my Glacial Tower!!

Got my three Nightcaps!

First, meet the Titan Halfshell:

And of course, I feel SUPER lucky to have scored on Eat_the_food's quickstrike... Meet my Golemfish Fugu and Butcher's Boy Nutria!

I'm definitely REALLY happy with how these turned out. I can't help but fantasize about an entire TMNT-themed Halfshell + Splinter Nutria.


--- Quote from: CoolGrayAJ on Mon, 22 February 2016, 17:42:07 ---Got my three Nightcaps!

First, meet the Titan Halfshell:

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And of course, I feel SUPER lucky to have scored on Eat_the_food's quickstrike... Meet my Golemfish Fugu and Butcher's Boy Nutria!

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I'm definitely REALLY happy with how these turned out. I can't help but fantasize about an entire TMNT-themed Halfshell + Splinter Nutria.

--- End quote ---

Damn, Nice man. I hope to scoop up some fugu during the next sale if i can


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