Author Topic: Varmilo VA87M & VB87M, Keycaps, PBT Spacebar - ARRIVED  (Read 75355 times)

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Offline HendyZone

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Varmilo VA87M & VB87M, Keycaps, PBT Spacebar - ARRIVED
« on: Thu, 27 August 2015, 10:20:00 »
We will carrying Varmilo mechanical keyboard from now on and forever :p

It's very great and solid board
I already test some sample from them, including their colorful PBT keycap

If you know that Varmilo ever comes with costar stabilizer, from now on they didn't use costar stabilizer anymore
all comes with cherry stabilizer. The cherry stabilizer not mushy on this varmilo, like they modified the stab. Same technique use on Ducky One, Ducky Shine 5, NT108 as far as i know

On September we will have incoming Varmilo inventory
- VA87M
- VB87M (Cheaper Version)
- a lot of colorful varmilo keycap set
- PBT spacebar

You guys can browse the products later on here ->

We will update when the stocks is coming
« Last Edit: Wed, 21 October 2015, 06:45:19 by HendyZone »

Offline Lepidus

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Re: Varmilo VA87M & VB87M, Keycaps, PBT Spacebar - ETA Mid September 2015
« Reply #1 on: Thu, 03 September 2015, 19:39:32 »
Nice! What about that 660M bluetooth varmillo sold a while ago, its really gone forever?

Also, will you have KULs restocked anytime soon?

Offline trenzafeeds

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Re: Varmilo VA87M & VB87M, Keycaps, PBT Spacebar - ETA Mid September 2015
« Reply #2 on: Thu, 03 September 2015, 20:20:58 »
I feel like at one point you could purchase varmillos with gaterons. Will that be an option from you guys?
demik will never leave.

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Offline HendyZone

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Re: Varmilo VA87M & VB87M, Keycaps, PBT Spacebar - ETA Mid September 2015
« Reply #3 on: Fri, 04 September 2015, 03:14:38 »
Nice! What about that 660M bluetooth varmillo sold a while ago, its really gone forever?

Also, will you have KULs restocked anytime soon?

So far yes no 660M they make again
KUL restocks on this month should be arrived :cool:

I feel like at one point you could purchase varmillos with gaterons. Will that be an option from you guys?

I feel like at one point you could purchase varmillos with gaterons. Will that be an option from you guys?

Yes majority comes with Gateron switch ;)

Offline Lepidus

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Re: Varmilo VA87M & VB87M, Keycaps, PBT Spacebar - ETA Mid September 2015
« Reply #4 on: Wed, 21 October 2015, 06:02:47 »
Hey, Hendy

Will Va87m arrive anytime soon? Will it be the backlit version?

Offline HendyZone

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Re: Varmilo VA87M & VB87M, Keycaps, PBT Spacebar - ARRIVED
« Reply #5 on: Wed, 21 October 2015, 06:48:44 »
Hey, Hendy

Will Va87m arrive anytime soon? Will it be the backlit version?

Hello, actually some VA87M already arrived and half already sold out by local customers;
since we are still developing the options + variants system for ordering through the site, we haven't listed the VA87M yet

In varmilo as you know; there are a lot of option and variants as an add-on

OEM keyboard but super complex :))

What kind of VA87M do you want ?
Switch ?
Keycap ?
Case ?

Offline njbair

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Re: Varmilo VA87M & VB87M, Keycaps, PBT Spacebar - ARRIVED
« Reply #6 on: Wed, 21 October 2015, 07:02:03 »
This would be a great board for me if it was compatible with Mac. But it does some weird thing where it acts like multiple keyboards when you plug it in (probably for high KRO support), and Mac just chokes on this. It also means you can't use hasu's USB to USB converter, so no programmability.

I even tried using a USB to PS/2 adapter, back into a PS/2 to USB adapter. Nothing.

Alpine Winter GB | My Personal TMK Firmware Repo
IBM Rubber Band "Floss" Mod | Click Modding Alps 101 | Flame-Polishing Cherry MX Stems
Review: hasu's USB to USB converter
My boards:
AEKII 60% | Alps64 HHKB | Ducky Shine 3, MX Blues | IBM Model M #1391401, Nov. 1990 | IBM SSK #1391472, Nov. 1987, screw modded, rubber-band modded | Noppoo EC108-Pro, 45g | Infinity 60% v2 Hacker, Matias Quiet Pros | Infinity 60% v2 Standard, MX Browns | Cherry G80-1800LPCEU-2, MX Blacks | Cherry G80-1813 (Dolch), MX Blues | Unicomp M-122, ANSI-modded | Unicomp M-122 (Unsaver mod in progress) | 2x Unitek K-258, White Alps | Apple boards (IIGS, AEKII) | Varmilo VA87MR, Gateron Blacks | Filco Zero TKL, Fukka White Alps | Planck, Gateron Browns | Monarch, click-modded Cream Alps

Offline Lepidus

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Re: Varmilo VA87M & VB87M, Keycaps, PBT Spacebar - ARRIVED
« Reply #7 on: Wed, 21 October 2015, 07:32:44 »
Hey, Hendy

Will Va87m arrive anytime soon? Will it be the backlit version?

Hello, actually some VA87M already arrived and half already sold out by local customers;
since we are still developing the options + variants system for ordering through the site, we haven't listed the VA87M yet

In varmilo as you know; there are a lot of option and variants as an add-on

OEM keyboard but super complex :))

What kind of VA87M do you want ?
Switch ?
Keycap ?
Case ?

Switch ?
Gaterons browns/blues, probably. Actually, the cheaper the better, as I will put Zealios on it.

Red leds.

Keycap ?
Are those black on black deysub already avalible? If not, the regular black on grey dyesub top printed.
What options other options you have?

Case ?
Again, what options are avalible? Maybe grey if there is any, or just regular black.


Offline HendyZone

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Re: Varmilo VA87M & VB87M, Keycaps, PBT Spacebar - ARRIVED
« Reply #8 on: Wed, 21 October 2015, 08:08:00 »
This would be a great board for me if it was compatible with Mac. But it does some weird thing where it acts like multiple keyboards when you plug it in (probably for high KRO support), and Mac just chokes on this. It also means you can't use hasu's USB to USB converter, so no programmability.

I even tried using a USB to PS/2 adapter, back into a PS/2 to USB adapter. Nothing.

Yeah varmilo is great board,
The early varmilo boards are not compatible with Mac
Do you know that Varmilo keyboard already compatible on Mac OS X now ?
Both of VA87M and VB87M are compatible on Mac

Switch ?
Gaterons browns/blues, probably. Actually, the cheaper the better, as I will put Zealios on it.

Red leds.

Keycap ?
Are those black on black deysub already avalible? If not, the regular black on grey dyesub top printed.
What options other options you have?

Case ?
Again, what options are avalible? Maybe grey if there is any, or just regular black.


Since you want to replace the switch; my suggestion is buy the cheapest Varmilo version then
the cheapest option is like this
gateron switch
black case
dark gray keycap (side printed)
no LED

you can add the LED by yourself

in this case you must wait around early december; we have this cheap varmilo version shipment on november including the Black on Black Dye Sub Keycap set

Offline njbair

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Re: Varmilo VA87M & VB87M, Keycaps, PBT Spacebar - ARRIVED
« Reply #9 on: Wed, 21 October 2015, 08:11:25 »
Yeah it works, i tested use regular PS/2 adapter on my PC :cool:
« Last Edit: Wed, 21 October 2015, 08:20:37 by HendyZone »

Alpine Winter GB | My Personal TMK Firmware Repo
IBM Rubber Band "Floss" Mod | Click Modding Alps 101 | Flame-Polishing Cherry MX Stems
Review: hasu's USB to USB converter
My boards:
AEKII 60% | Alps64 HHKB | Ducky Shine 3, MX Blues | IBM Model M #1391401, Nov. 1990 | IBM SSK #1391472, Nov. 1987, screw modded, rubber-band modded | Noppoo EC108-Pro, 45g | Infinity 60% v2 Hacker, Matias Quiet Pros | Infinity 60% v2 Standard, MX Browns | Cherry G80-1800LPCEU-2, MX Blacks | Cherry G80-1813 (Dolch), MX Blues | Unicomp M-122, ANSI-modded | Unicomp M-122 (Unsaver mod in progress) | 2x Unitek K-258, White Alps | Apple boards (IIGS, AEKII) | Varmilo VA87MR, Gateron Blacks | Filco Zero TKL, Fukka White Alps | Planck, Gateron Browns | Monarch, click-modded Cream Alps

Offline HendyZone

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Re: Varmilo VA87M & VB87M, Keycaps, PBT Spacebar - ARRIVED
« Reply #10 on: Wed, 21 October 2015, 08:21:50 »
sorry i messed up modify your message :blank:

yeah VA87M works on PS/2

Offline Lepidus

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Re: Varmilo VA87M & VB87M, Keycaps, PBT Spacebar - ARRIVED
« Reply #11 on: Wed, 21 October 2015, 08:36:19 »

Since you want to replace the switch; my suggestion is buy the cheapest Varmilo version then
the cheapest option is like this
gateron switch
black case
dark gray keycap (side printed)
no LED

you can add the LED by yourself

in this case you must wait around early december; we have this cheap varmilo version shipment on november including the Black on Black Dye Sub Keycap set

So, does regular version PCB support DIY leds? Thats very good to know.

Guess I will wait then. Those black on black dyesub look very nice.

Offline HendyZone

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Re: Varmilo VA87M & VB87M, Keycaps, PBT Spacebar - ARRIVED
« Reply #12 on: Wed, 21 October 2015, 21:00:34 »

Since you want to replace the switch; my suggestion is buy the cheapest Varmilo version then
the cheapest option is like this
gateron switch
black case
dark gray keycap (side printed)
no LED

you can add the LED by yourself

in this case you must wait around early december; we have this cheap varmilo version shipment on november including the Black on Black Dye Sub Keycap set

So, does regular version PCB support DIY leds? Thats very good to know.

Guess I will wait then. Those black on black dyesub look very nice.

Yes, the pcb between regular version is the same with LED version
So people can add LED on Varmilo by themself :cool:

Offline Jhonan

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Re: Varmilo VA87M & VB87M, Keycaps, PBT Spacebar - ARRIVED
« Reply #13 on: Sun, 25 October 2015, 12:44:09 »
Any plans on va108s?  (I think that's the full size name)

Offline HendyZone

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Re: Varmilo VA87M & VB87M, Keycaps, PBT Spacebar - ARRIVED
« Reply #14 on: Mon, 26 October 2015, 23:28:49 »
Any plans on va108s?  (I think that's the full size name)

Yes, of course
But we are waiting for the new models;
Varmilo still developing the new models for the fullsize board (detachable cable) and maybe low profile case too ;D

Offline Jhonan

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Re: Varmilo VA87M & VB87M, Keycaps, PBT Spacebar - ARRIVED
« Reply #15 on: Fri, 30 October 2015, 12:03:36 »
Thanks for the update!

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Re: Varmilo VA87M & VB87M, Keycaps, PBT Spacebar - ARRIVED
« Reply #16 on: Wed, 09 December 2015, 23:44:08 »
is there a way to see a list of the available Varmilo keysets? Can't seem to find them, and really interested in a few :p
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Offline HendyZone

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Re: Varmilo VA87M & VB87M, Keycaps, PBT Spacebar - ARRIVED
« Reply #17 on: Sun, 13 December 2015, 18:43:41 »
is there a way to see a list of the available Varmilo keysets? Can't seem to find them, and really interested in a few :p

Sorry just replied,
We will listed all of them soon

Still haven't finished the photograph, too many varmilo keyset :p

PM me what are you looking for  ;)