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[OTD] New OTD wiki
Hi! In this thread i will try to cover all OTD keyboards. All info and stuff will be covered, with OTD lore itself. Two posts in one day.
List of boards to cover:
1)OTD 356MF
2)OTD 356AMF
3)OTD 356ES
4)OTD 356L
5)OTD 356LS
6)OTD 356N MK.1
7)OTD 356C
8)OTD 356CL
9)OTD 356F
10)OTD 356CL DGE
11)OTD 356N MK.2
12)OTD 356A
13)OTD 356W
14)OTD 356mini V1
15)OTD 356mini V2
16)OTD 356pad
17)OTD The Cheat
18)OTD Koala & Brass Koala
19)OTD 356CLS
20)OTD 356.2
21)OTD 456GT
22)OTD 360c
23)OTD MXmini
26)OTD Cyclopia
27)OTD 2017
28)Cat Pad
Right now i will start with how OTD started. The OTD was created in 2008 named, after a year of testing the website was renamed to First board for groupbuy (356L) was selled through KBDmania, but during it Eungsam had disagreements with KBDmania administraiton due to absurd reasons of taked down gb posts, while friends of KBDmania staff freely posted everything, so he decided to make new community. OTD covered not only keyboards, also bicycles, mechanical pens, photography, gaming and other lifestyle things. The main members of OTD creating team were: Eungsam, Sir, Jeany, Aqua,DSPman, Sad Nova and Korellas.
With time community growned, in 2014 after 360C gb eungsam got noticed by TAX office, someone whistleblowed on eungsam, so TAX office made research, they called eungsam and started investigation. Eungsam needed to prepare documents about all of his purchases/sells so he had to cancel all GB's on OTD. also korean goverment haves act of radio wave that covers keyboards too. OTD keyboards were not registred and licensed so they couldnt be selled.
OTD members:
OTD 356MF (A.K.A 356L S/N 001, Eungsam Tenkeyless) - First prototype of 356L, MF means Metal Frame, The board is fully in raw aluminium and haves brushed finish. The board is predecessor of 356AMF. Haves strange mounting system and FR4(?) green PCB. I See white silkscreen of switch footprints, strange mounting points on pcb, strange stabilizer cutouts, also screwholes (?) on sides of plate. Made in 2007.03.04. Standart F12 Layout. Came before DK Saver,Built with Cherry G80-3491 Blacks and G80-3491 keycaps. The point to make it, was that Eungsam wanted to make Cherry version of Realforce TKL keyboard. Was meant to be first TKL MX keyboard with variable weight springs. The 356 in OTD naming is length of plate on their first keyboard
Material: German aluminium
Plate Material: Stainless Steel (?) Aluminium (?)
PCB: FR4 (?) with Cherry G80-3491 Controller
Connectivity: USB, PS/2
Colors: RAW
Plates: SS (?)
Mount: ?
Quantity: ? (probably 1)
Source: , ,
Pics by Eungsam [OTD] :thumb:
OTD 356AMF (A.K.A 356L AMF V.6.0) - Anodized version of 356MF, Haves smooth finish and black anodization. Probably uses sandwich mount. Built with vintage blacks and Cherry G80-3491 keycaps.
Material: German Aluminium
Plate Material: Stainless Steel (?) Aluminium (?)
PCB: FR4 (?) with Cherry G80-3491
Connectivity: USB, PS/2
Plate: SS (?)
Colors: Black
Mount: ?
Quantity: ? (probably one)
Photos by: Eungsam (OTD)
OTD 356ES - Engineering samples of 356L, In silver or black ano, haves stainless steel (?) plate and polycarbonate one. not sure if PC plate was included in 356L. haves sketchup of southpaw version, but it was probably never finished. haves also black plate with 356-ES engraving. only 5 made. Top Mount. probably was built to check how it works with finished pcb and plate
Material: German Aluminium
Mount: Top
PCB: FR4 (?) white with Cherry G80-3491 controller
Quantity: 5
Colors: Silver, Black
Connectivity: USB, PS/2
Plates: PC, SS
Source: , ,
Photos by: Eungsam (OTD)
OTD 356L - First GB board. Was run in 2008 after DK saver, Uses top mount, made out of german aluminium, L means optimized for linear switches, only black color, one lost during shipping, 60 units, run through KBDmania, Uses FR4 (?) white pcb adapted to work with Cherry G80-3491 controller, made by KlKlKl from DK. Case haves special cutout for controller, PCB Supports LED. In GB you will receive: Case, PCB, Wrist Rest, Switch Stickers. Also there was brushed version, made after 23'rd unit didnt pass QC (due to rust).
Material: German Aluminium
Mount: Top
PCB: FR4 white with Cherry G80-3491 controller by KlKlKl
Quantity: 61 (1 LOST)
Colors: Black, Silver
Connectivity: USB, PS/2
Plates: SS, PC
Source:, ,
Photos by: Eungsam (OTD), Notflipperdan420
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