Is there any chance of another round being run? It looks like everything is sold out on KeyClack except the novelties & numpad. IMO this is the most attractive keycap set I've ever seen.
There was a stock error, but I'll the TKL/Planck+40s kits back up in July.
What about the Non-Standard kit? Had to cancel my whole order and give up the then in stock non-standard kit due to stock error for the TKL Set, under the advise that all sets will be restocked in June/July.
If there are no plans to bring back the Non-Standard Kit it would seem that I was deceived in giving up my set... 
If you email back with the email you got about cancellation, we will set aside the kit for you. You should have also received a mail stating that you can reserve it without any payment, due to the cancellation.
Either way, just look for that mail regarding cancellation due to the Alphas being not available, and we will set aside your original order for you, due to the inconvenience of the miscount in inventory.