Author Topic: [Old] Keepers of the Faith Mission Statement - GH Wiki  (Read 244991 times)

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Offline cultofjosh

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Re: Keepers of the Faith Mission Statement - New GH Wiki
« Reply #100 on: Fri, 18 April 2014, 12:27:29 »
I doubt confluence would work well with simple machines. It would also have heavier system requirements, it's a big java app. It was more of an example of what else could be out there...even in the commercial world of software.

I did come across 1 interesting wiki after a couple more searches. It's called docuwiki. I remember looking at it briefly years ago, I ruled it out because I was set on having a wiki that stores its data in mysql - it uses files on the file system. But it does look incredibly easy to integrate its authentication module with a simple machines database (or any database for that matter)...and the maintainers claim flat files are an advantage for scalability.

Anyway, as long as whatever you guys are doing has a good search feature and the information is easy to find, it'll be a great information repository, which is really all that's important IMHO.

Offline CPTBadAss

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Re: Keepers of the Faith Mission Statement - New GH Wiki
« Reply #101 on: Fri, 18 April 2014, 13:09:03 »
I've PMed some people about the Confluence plugin. I'm intrigued by that. Docuwiki still has some syntax to learn that isn't bbcode/Markdown so I'm not thrilled with that idea. I'm looking into it more :D. Thanks for the suggestions.

Offline cultofjosh

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Re: Keepers of the Faith Mission Statement - New GH Wiki
« Reply #102 on: Fri, 18 April 2014, 17:09:40 »
Oh, I didn't mean to imply there's an integration with confluence. Sorry for the confusion! Or did you find something?

If someone here is a java wizard, I think you can still develop plugins with the plugin SDK even without the confluence source code (though don't quote me on that.)

Offline CPTBadAss

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Re: Keepers of the Faith Mission Statement - New GH Wiki
« Reply #103 on: Fri, 18 April 2014, 17:12:02 »
Oh...I'm actually horrible with code which is why I sent out PMs. I need to ask people who do know like mkawa :D

Offline davkol

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Re: Keepers of the Faith Mission Statement - New GH Wiki
« Reply #104 on: Fri, 18 April 2014, 19:34:30 »
Dokuwiki supports Markdown with a plugin.

Offline CPTBadAss

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Re: Keepers of the Faith Mission Statement - New GH Wiki
« Reply #105 on: Sat, 03 May 2014, 09:35:12 »
There was a discussion in the clack wiki thread that I'd thought I'd link here in case there's been a change in the tides. Previously it seemed that there was no interest in helping work on the wiki.

And that goes for anyone else. While the mediawiki is up, you can get am account and start helping. All I ever see is people complain about the wiki going away. Don't want it to? Prove to me that it's useful and viable for geekhack. Yes I am the head off the wikiteam/Keepers of the faith so I can ask the admins and mods to keep the status quo. And of course I'm sure the team will let me and everyone else know their opinion as as well.
« Last Edit: Sun, 18 May 2014, 02:46:08 by CPTBadAss »

Offline esoomenona

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Re: Keepers of the Faith Mission Statement - New GH Wiki
« Reply #106 on: Wed, 14 May 2014, 16:43:13 »
Maybe a list of wiki articles that have been updated since this was introduced would be warranted.

Offline CPTBadAss

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Re: Keepers of the Faith Mission Statement - New GH Wiki
« Reply #107 on: Sun, 18 May 2014, 02:48:42 »
For some reason, I'm not getting info when I try and see the most recent changes in the Wiki. I will say that if I recall correctly that the last huge rash of changes was when I was working on the Clack Wiki.

I've updated the second post to better reflect what the team has been working on.

Offline domoaligato

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Re: Keepers of the Faith Mission Statement - New GH Wiki
« Reply #108 on: Wed, 21 May 2014, 19:09:54 »
I would like to build/maintain a professional services area of the wiki.
Articles/Guides explaining what a mod is and how to do it can link to people that will do the mods for you etc etc.
Please let me know if your interested after the wiki is in place.
« Last Edit: Wed, 21 May 2014, 19:13:48 by domoaligato »

Offline CPTBadAss

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Re: Keepers of the Faith Mission Statement - New GH Wiki
« Reply #109 on: Wed, 21 May 2014, 19:15:44 »
Those sound great! You can start those threads now in Post Wiki Workshop and I'll make sure they get moved into the new Wiki. And we can migrate your thread that you have now for Professional Services over as well!

Offline domoaligato

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Re: Keepers of the Faith Mission Statement - New GH Wiki
« Reply #110 on: Wed, 21 May 2014, 19:43:10 »
Can you sticky it to classified after you move it?

Offline CPTBadAss

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Re: Keepers of the Faith Mission Statement - New GH Wiki
« Reply #111 on: Wed, 21 May 2014, 19:48:42 »
I don't know but I can always sticky a link in the Classifieds with a link to the Wiki page.

Offline domoaligato

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Re: Keepers of the Faith Mission Statement - New GH Wiki
« Reply #112 on: Wed, 21 May 2014, 20:05:03 »
in that case let me learn and buildup the new page first.

Offline terrpn

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Re: Keepers of the Faith Mission Statement - New GH Wiki
« Reply #113 on: Fri, 04 July 2014, 10:20:33 »
just caught up to this-- big task guys

thanks for taking on the endeavor.................hopefully after you guys get it out and running we won't lose like when GH crashed a couple years ago

that was pretty brutal for a while :-\

whatever us dweebs can provide to help let us know

one thing i have enjoyed is a few of you guys, GH'rs have uploaded video and audio relating to particular switch sounds and effects. that would be pretty informative if we could round that out even further; example cpt and his KS with blue alps, model m's (bolt modded - non bolt modded) and so forth...........

there is a lot already available on youtube, etc.

just a suggestion-- nothing more

Luga G80-1865/MX Reds + Dolch G80-1813/MX Blues + G80-3700HQAUS + DK9008G2 Pro/MX Browns Thick PBT + DK9008G2 Pro/MX Clears Thick PBT +  QFR TKL/Ghetto Greens + Cherry G80-1800/MX Blues + IBM Model M SSK Bolt Modded + IBM Model M + IBM Model F + IBM AT F + Cherry G80-1000 (HAD)/MX Vintage Blacks + Razer BWU/MX Blues + Leading Edge DC2214/Blue Alps + Compaq MX11800/Browns + Chicony 5181/Monterey Blues + Chicony 5161/MX Black Cherry Clone + Focus 2001/White Alps + Chicony 5191/White Futabas + Olivetti ANK27-101 + Dell (Old Logo) AT101/Black Alps + NMB RT8255C+/Black Space Invaders + Unitek K260/Green Alps + Apple M0116/Orange Alps + AEK II M3501/Cream Alps + AEK M0115/Orange Alps + NEC  APC412/Blue Sliders + NEC APC410/Blue Sliders + Omnikey /White Alps + Wang/Yellow Alps (Omrons) + Laser/White SMK + Fame/Blue Aruz + AEK II M3501/Salmon Alps + Zenith ZKB-2R/Green Alps + Wang 724/Orange Alps + DK1087/Green Alps + Zenith ZKB-2/Yellow Alps + Dell Old Logo AT101/Salmon-Pink Alps + Leading Edge AK1012/White SMK's + Magitronic SK-1030/White (Linear) Futaba's + Packard Bell/White (Clicky) Futaba's + Datacomp DFK101/White  Alps + SGI AT101/Dampened White Alps + NMB AQ6RT-72511/Grey Space Invaders (Hi-Tek) + Datacomp/Blue Alps + Phillips 2812/White Space Invaders (Linear) + Dah Yang K251/Vintage MX Blues + Chicony 5161/DS Caps/Vintage MX Blue + Archie-NMB AQ659ZRT-725/Black Space Invader (Tactile) + IBM Model M 71G4644 (RD) Bolt Modded with Soarers Converter + IBM Model M Silver Label 1390131 + Cherry G80-1501/Vintage MX Clears + Focus FK8000/Linear Futabas + Gateway 2000 Anykey Programmable/Maxi-Switch + Dell GY13PVAT101/Dye Sub Caps/Salmon Alps + Chicony 5161/White Alps + AST K0B101/Slider over RD + Qtronix QX-32H + Everex/NMB RT8255CW+ Black Space Invaders-Split Erase + Tandon/NMB AQ659ZRT-101A/Beige Space Invaders + Cherry G80-11903 MNRUS/MX Blacks + Apple IIGS A9M0330/SMK Whites + WYSE PCE/MX Blacks + Chicony 5160AXT/Clicky Futaba + Cherry G80-0528/Vintage MX Blacks + Dell AT101/Linear (Modded) Black Alps+Topre 55g

Offline oledome

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Re: Keepers of the Faith Mission Statement - New GH Wiki
« Reply #114 on: Tue, 03 March 2015, 09:37:27 »
I have a suggestion: open up editing the wiki to the userbase, moderate it, keep certain pages locked down and get it growing. There would be some quality issues, but those could be ironed out I think that's better than having massive voids. Even stub entries with external links would be better than no page at all.

Offline SpAmRaY

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Re: Keepers of the Faith Mission Statement - New GH Wiki
« Reply #115 on: Tue, 03 March 2015, 09:42:09 »
I have a suggestion: open up editing the wiki to the userbase, moderate it, keep certain pages locked down and get it growing. There would be some quality issues, but those could be ironed out I think that's better than having massive voids. Even stub entries with external links would be better than no page at all.

I think they've given up on the wiki, most people use the one over at deskthority.

Offline CPTBadAss

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Re: Keepers of the Faith Mission Statement - New GH Wiki
« Reply #116 on: Tue, 03 March 2015, 10:48:10 »
Before I left the Curator posting, I was told that rkinze was ready to roll something out. Jdcarpe and the admin/mod team would know better than I at this point.

Offline nubbinator

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Re: Keepers of the Faith Mission Statement - New GH Wiki
« Reply #117 on: Tue, 03 March 2015, 10:53:25 »
I have a suggestion: open up editing the wiki to the userbase, moderate it, keep certain pages locked down and get it growing. There would be some quality issues, but those could be ironed out I think that's better than having massive voids. Even stub entries with external links would be better than no page at all.

I think they've given up on the wiki, most people use the one over at deskthority.

It would still be nice to have our own that could be edited.

Offline oledome

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Re: Keepers of the Faith Mission Statement - New GH Wiki
« Reply #118 on: Tue, 03 March 2015, 13:29:45 »
It would still be nice to have our own that could be edited.

It would. GH has a solid community and double the users (I just made this up from the online accounts on both sites right now), we'd make short work of a community wiki and I think it would be good for the community. We could make it a GeekHack wiki in the sense that there can be pages about the community included - such as for Brobots etc.

Any mods or admins reading this thread? I'll have to check that list you made CPTBadAss.

Offline rowdy

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Re: Keepers of the Faith Mission Statement - New GH Wiki
« Reply #119 on: Thu, 26 March 2015, 21:54:10 »
As the Keepers have been disbanded (at least for now), should this thread no longer be sticky (for now)?
"Because keyboards are accessories to PC makers, they focus on minimizing the manufacturing costs. But that’s incorrect. It’s in HHKB’s slogan, but when America’s cowboys were in the middle of a trip and their horse died, they would leave the horse there. But even if they were in the middle of a desert, they would take their saddle with them. The horse was a consumable good, but the saddle was an interface that their bodies had gotten used to. In the same vein, PCs are consumable goods, while keyboards are important interfaces." - Eiiti Wada

NEC APC-H4100E | Ducky DK9008 Shine MX blue LED red | Ducky DK9008 Shine MX blue LED green | Link 900243-08 | CM QFR MX black | KeyCool 87 white MX reds | HHKB 2 Pro | Model M 02-Mar-1993 | Model M 29-Nov-1995 | CM Trigger (broken) | CM QFS MX green | Ducky DK9087 Shine 3 TKL Yellow Edition MX black | Lexmark SSK 21-Apr-1994 | IBM SSK 13-Oct-1987 | CODE TKL MX clear | Model M 122 01-Jun-1988

Ị̸͚̯̲́ͤ̃͑̇̑ͯ̊̂͟ͅs̞͚̩͉̝̪̲͗͊ͪ̽̚̚ ̭̦͖͕̑́͌ͬͩ͟t̷̻͔̙̑͟h̹̠̼͋ͤ͋i̤̜̣̦̱̫͈͔̞ͭ͑ͥ̌̔s̬͔͎̍̈ͥͫ̐̾ͣ̔̇͘ͅ ̩̘̼͆̐̕e̞̰͓̲̺̎͐̏ͬ̓̅̾͠͝ͅv̶̰͕̱̞̥̍ͣ̄̕e͕͙͖̬̜͓͎̤̊ͭ͐͝ṇ̰͎̱̤̟̭ͫ͌̌͢͠ͅ ̳̥̦ͮ̐ͤ̎̊ͣ͡͡n̤̜̙̺̪̒͜e̶̻̦̿ͮ̂̀c̝̘̝͖̠̖͐ͨͪ̈̐͌ͩ̀e̷̥͇̋ͦs̢̡̤ͤͤͯ͜s͈̠̉̑͘a̱͕̗͖̳̥̺ͬͦͧ͆̌̑͡r̶̟̖̈͘ỷ̮̦̩͙͔ͫ̾ͬ̔ͬͮ̌?̵̘͇͔͙ͥͪ͞ͅ

Offline jdcarpe

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Re: Keepers of the Faith Mission Statement - New GH Wiki
« Reply #120 on: Thu, 26 March 2015, 22:01:28 »
As the Keepers have been disbanded (at least for now), should this thread no longer be sticky (for now)?

KMAC :: LZ-GH :: WASD CODE :: WASD v2 :: GH60 :: Alps64 :: JD45 :: IBM Model M :: IBM 4704 "Pingmaster" ::

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Offline rowdy

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Re: Keepers of the Faith Mission Statement - New GH Wiki
« Reply #121 on: Thu, 26 March 2015, 22:03:16 »
As the Keepers have been disbanded (at least for now), should this thread no longer be sticky (for now)?


Is Curator the same as Keeper?

I read somewhere that the Keepers had been disbanded.
"Because keyboards are accessories to PC makers, they focus on minimizing the manufacturing costs. But that’s incorrect. It’s in HHKB’s slogan, but when America’s cowboys were in the middle of a trip and their horse died, they would leave the horse there. But even if they were in the middle of a desert, they would take their saddle with them. The horse was a consumable good, but the saddle was an interface that their bodies had gotten used to. In the same vein, PCs are consumable goods, while keyboards are important interfaces." - Eiiti Wada

NEC APC-H4100E | Ducky DK9008 Shine MX blue LED red | Ducky DK9008 Shine MX blue LED green | Link 900243-08 | CM QFR MX black | KeyCool 87 white MX reds | HHKB 2 Pro | Model M 02-Mar-1993 | Model M 29-Nov-1995 | CM Trigger (broken) | CM QFS MX green | Ducky DK9087 Shine 3 TKL Yellow Edition MX black | Lexmark SSK 21-Apr-1994 | IBM SSK 13-Oct-1987 | CODE TKL MX clear | Model M 122 01-Jun-1988

Ị̸͚̯̲́ͤ̃͑̇̑ͯ̊̂͟ͅs̞͚̩͉̝̪̲͗͊ͪ̽̚̚ ̭̦͖͕̑́͌ͬͩ͟t̷̻͔̙̑͟h̹̠̼͋ͤ͋i̤̜̣̦̱̫͈͔̞ͭ͑ͥ̌̔s̬͔͎̍̈ͥͫ̐̾ͣ̔̇͘ͅ ̩̘̼͆̐̕e̞̰͓̲̺̎͐̏ͬ̓̅̾͠͝ͅv̶̰͕̱̞̥̍ͣ̄̕e͕͙͖̬̜͓͎̤̊ͭ͐͝ṇ̰͎̱̤̟̭ͫ͌̌͢͠ͅ ̳̥̦ͮ̐ͤ̎̊ͣ͡͡n̤̜̙̺̪̒͜e̶̻̦̿ͮ̂̀c̝̘̝͖̠̖͐ͨͪ̈̐͌ͩ̀e̷̥͇̋ͦs̢̡̤ͤͤͯ͜s͈̠̉̑͘a̱͕̗͖̳̥̺ͬͦͧ͆̌̑͡r̶̟̖̈͘ỷ̮̦̩͙͔ͫ̾ͬ̔ͬͮ̌?̵̘͇͔͙ͥͪ͞ͅ

Offline jdcarpe

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Re: Keepers of the Faith Mission Statement - New GH Wiki
« Reply #122 on: Thu, 26 March 2015, 22:05:29 »
As the Keepers have been disbanded (at least for now), should this thread no longer be sticky (for now)?


Is Curator the same as Keeper?

I read somewhere that the Keepers had been disbanded.

Yes, the name was changed from Keepers of the Faith to Curators. I am the last one, as the rest quit.

I may be moving to a different staff position, since the Curator role can probably be rolled into another job or team.
KMAC :: LZ-GH :: WASD CODE :: WASD v2 :: GH60 :: Alps64 :: JD45 :: IBM Model M :: IBM 4704 "Pingmaster" ::

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"When I was a kid, I used to take things apart and never put them back together."

Offline rowdy

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Re: Keepers of the Faith Mission Statement - New GH Wiki
« Reply #123 on: Thu, 26 March 2015, 22:06:52 »
As the Keepers have been disbanded (at least for now), should this thread no longer be sticky (for now)?


Is Curator the same as Keeper?

I read somewhere that the Keepers had been disbanded.

Yes, the name was changed from Keepers of the Faith to Curators. I am the last one, as the rest quit.

I may be moving to a different staff position, since the Curator role can probably be rolled into another job or team.

Then my question still stands (although perhaps slightly pre-emptive) - should this thread no longer be sticky?
"Because keyboards are accessories to PC makers, they focus on minimizing the manufacturing costs. But that’s incorrect. It’s in HHKB’s slogan, but when America’s cowboys were in the middle of a trip and their horse died, they would leave the horse there. But even if they were in the middle of a desert, they would take their saddle with them. The horse was a consumable good, but the saddle was an interface that their bodies had gotten used to. In the same vein, PCs are consumable goods, while keyboards are important interfaces." - Eiiti Wada

NEC APC-H4100E | Ducky DK9008 Shine MX blue LED red | Ducky DK9008 Shine MX blue LED green | Link 900243-08 | CM QFR MX black | KeyCool 87 white MX reds | HHKB 2 Pro | Model M 02-Mar-1993 | Model M 29-Nov-1995 | CM Trigger (broken) | CM QFS MX green | Ducky DK9087 Shine 3 TKL Yellow Edition MX black | Lexmark SSK 21-Apr-1994 | IBM SSK 13-Oct-1987 | CODE TKL MX clear | Model M 122 01-Jun-1988

Ị̸͚̯̲́ͤ̃͑̇̑ͯ̊̂͟ͅs̞͚̩͉̝̪̲͗͊ͪ̽̚̚ ̭̦͖͕̑́͌ͬͩ͟t̷̻͔̙̑͟h̹̠̼͋ͤ͋i̤̜̣̦̱̫͈͔̞ͭ͑ͥ̌̔s̬͔͎̍̈ͥͫ̐̾ͣ̔̇͘ͅ ̩̘̼͆̐̕e̞̰͓̲̺̎͐̏ͬ̓̅̾͠͝ͅv̶̰͕̱̞̥̍ͣ̄̕e͕͙͖̬̜͓͎̤̊ͭ͐͝ṇ̰͎̱̤̟̭ͫ͌̌͢͠ͅ ̳̥̦ͮ̐ͤ̎̊ͣ͡͡n̤̜̙̺̪̒͜e̶̻̦̿ͮ̂̀c̝̘̝͖̠̖͐ͨͪ̈̐͌ͩ̀e̷̥͇̋ͦs̢̡̤ͤͤͯ͜s͈̠̉̑͘a̱͕̗͖̳̥̺ͬͦͧ͆̌̑͡r̶̟̖̈͘ỷ̮̦̩͙͔ͫ̾ͬ̔ͬͮ̌?̵̘͇͔͙ͥͪ͞ͅ

Offline jdcarpe

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Re: Keepers of the Faith Mission Statement - New GH Wiki
« Reply #124 on: Thu, 26 March 2015, 22:27:59 »
As the Keepers have been disbanded (at least for now), should this thread no longer be sticky (for now)?


Is Curator the same as Keeper?

I read somewhere that the Keepers had been disbanded.

Yes, the name was changed from Keepers of the Faith to Curators. I am the last one, as the rest quit.

I may be moving to a different staff position, since the Curator role can probably be rolled into another job or team.

Then my question still stands (although perhaps slightly pre-emptive) - should this thread no longer be sticky?
Yeah, it will probably be archived with the other Keeper/Curator stuff when that happens.
KMAC :: LZ-GH :: WASD CODE :: WASD v2 :: GH60 :: Alps64 :: JD45 :: IBM Model M :: IBM 4704 "Pingmaster" ::

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"When I was a kid, I used to take things apart and never put them back together."

Offline rowdy

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Re: Keepers of the Faith Mission Statement - New GH Wiki
« Reply #125 on: Thu, 26 March 2015, 22:28:38 »
As the Keepers have been disbanded (at least for now), should this thread no longer be sticky (for now)?


Is Curator the same as Keeper?

I read somewhere that the Keepers had been disbanded.

Yes, the name was changed from Keepers of the Faith to Curators. I am the last one, as the rest quit.

I may be moving to a different staff position, since the Curator role can probably be rolled into another job or team.

Then my question still stands (although perhaps slightly pre-emptive) - should this thread no longer be sticky?
Yeah, it will probably be archived with the other Keeper/Curator stuff when that happens.

It's a shame.  I guess GH just wasn't ready for that kind of thing.
"Because keyboards are accessories to PC makers, they focus on minimizing the manufacturing costs. But that’s incorrect. It’s in HHKB’s slogan, but when America’s cowboys were in the middle of a trip and their horse died, they would leave the horse there. But even if they were in the middle of a desert, they would take their saddle with them. The horse was a consumable good, but the saddle was an interface that their bodies had gotten used to. In the same vein, PCs are consumable goods, while keyboards are important interfaces." - Eiiti Wada

NEC APC-H4100E | Ducky DK9008 Shine MX blue LED red | Ducky DK9008 Shine MX blue LED green | Link 900243-08 | CM QFR MX black | KeyCool 87 white MX reds | HHKB 2 Pro | Model M 02-Mar-1993 | Model M 29-Nov-1995 | CM Trigger (broken) | CM QFS MX green | Ducky DK9087 Shine 3 TKL Yellow Edition MX black | Lexmark SSK 21-Apr-1994 | IBM SSK 13-Oct-1987 | CODE TKL MX clear | Model M 122 01-Jun-1988

Ị̸͚̯̲́ͤ̃͑̇̑ͯ̊̂͟ͅs̞͚̩͉̝̪̲͗͊ͪ̽̚̚ ̭̦͖͕̑́͌ͬͩ͟t̷̻͔̙̑͟h̹̠̼͋ͤ͋i̤̜̣̦̱̫͈͔̞ͭ͑ͥ̌̔s̬͔͎̍̈ͥͫ̐̾ͣ̔̇͘ͅ ̩̘̼͆̐̕e̞̰͓̲̺̎͐̏ͬ̓̅̾͠͝ͅv̶̰͕̱̞̥̍ͣ̄̕e͕͙͖̬̜͓͎̤̊ͭ͐͝ṇ̰͎̱̤̟̭ͫ͌̌͢͠ͅ ̳̥̦ͮ̐ͤ̎̊ͣ͡͡n̤̜̙̺̪̒͜e̶̻̦̿ͮ̂̀c̝̘̝͖̠̖͐ͨͪ̈̐͌ͩ̀e̷̥͇̋ͦs̢̡̤ͤͤͯ͜s͈̠̉̑͘a̱͕̗͖̳̥̺ͬͦͧ͆̌̑͡r̶̟̖̈͘ỷ̮̦̩͙͔ͫ̾ͬ̔ͬͮ̌?̵̘͇͔͙ͥͪ͞ͅ

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Re: Keepers of the Faith Mission Statement - New GH Wiki
« Reply #126 on: Thu, 26 March 2015, 23:06:53 »
So have we given up on the idea of a Wiki?

Offline derezzed

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Re: Keepers of the Faith Mission Statement - New GH Wiki
« Reply #127 on: Thu, 26 March 2015, 23:19:16 »

If the wiki ever does get revived, I would be DTE (down to edit).

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Re: Keepers of the Faith Mission Statement - New GH Wiki
« Reply #128 on: Fri, 27 March 2015, 10:04:09 »
So have we given up on the idea of a Wiki?

This is why I populated the old wiki with the "[Artisan Services] - Directory"
I plan to move it to the new wiki whenever it is available.

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Re: Keepers of the Faith Mission Statement - New GH Wiki
« Reply #129 on: Fri, 27 March 2015, 10:10:07 »
So have we given up on the idea of a Wiki?

What do you think of a "wiki" in this style? This was my effort to present information in a logical way.
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Re: Keepers of the Faith Mission Statement - New GH Wiki
« Reply #130 on: Fri, 27 March 2015, 10:30:12 »

I may be moving to a different staff position


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Re: Keepers of the Faith Mission Statement - New GH Wiki
« Reply #131 on: Fri, 27 March 2015, 10:59:02 »
There's always the Deskthority Wiki, eh.

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Re: Keepers of the Faith Mission Statement - New GH Wiki
« Reply #132 on: Fri, 27 March 2015, 11:00:24 »
There's always the Deskthority Wiki, eh.

Yes, and really not much of a need to overlap information, I don't think.
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Re: Keepers of the Faith Mission Statement - New GH Wiki
« Reply #133 on: Fri, 27 March 2015, 11:18:06 »
So have we given up on the idea of a Wiki?

What do you think of a "wiki" in this style? This was my effort to present information in a logical way.

It's ok, but it's still missing a lot and some good links.  There's also the problem that some of the guides have newer counterparts, some of which are better in some areas maybe worse in others.  A proper wiki gives more room to add and adjust things, to make it so people are better informed, and make it so people don't have to go digging through sometimes 50+ pages to find something helpful.

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Re: Keepers of the Faith Mission Statement - New GH Wiki
« Reply #134 on: Fri, 27 March 2015, 11:28:56 »
So have we given up on the idea of a Wiki?

What do you think of a "wiki" in this style? This was my effort to present information in a logical way.

It's ok, but it's still missing a lot and some good links.  There's also the problem that some of the guides have newer counterparts, some of which are better in some areas maybe worse in others.  A proper wiki gives more room to add and adjust things, to make it so people are better informed, and make it so people don't have to go digging through sometimes 50+ pages to find something helpful.

It wasn't supposed to be all-inclusive. That was just a test of how to organize the information without having 20+ stickies at the top of MST.

What's the point of having a proper wiki, when DT has one? Having the info indexed in a post, and pointing to another thread allows for the information to be thoroughly discussed.

If people want a true wiki, that's fine. I didn't think there was enough interest to get one going.
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Re: Keepers of the Faith Mission Statement - New GH Wiki
« Reply #135 on: Fri, 27 March 2015, 11:50:45 »
I was always an advocate of updating the DT Wiki to have a "real Wiki" and then having a Wiki entry like what JD has which is more based on making guides. Like how to do a bolt mod for Model Ms.

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Re: Keepers of the Faith Mission Statement - New GH Wiki
« Reply #136 on: Fri, 27 March 2015, 11:57:31 »
I think CPTBadAss better states what I'm trying to say JD.  A collection of guides like that is all fine and good, but a wiki with guides is better.  In the article, you can point to other threads, but also have a how-to that can be updated or that contains multiple ways of doing something.  It's an easier to use and easier to search format.

Not only that, but if and when a photo is no longer valid in a thread, it's gone forever.  If you have a wiki, you can update them or host them onsite.  It makes for less data loss.

I get what you're saying about the keyboard wiki on DT too, but I also know there has been a lot of frustration with how things get handled there. It would be nice to have the option to update stuff here if we wanted to.

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Re: Keepers of the Faith Mission Statement - New GH Wiki
« Reply #137 on: Fri, 27 March 2015, 12:55:11 »
So have we given up on the idea of a Wiki?

What do you think of a "wiki" in this style? This was my effort to present information in a logical way.

I would like a actual wiki app that we can all contribute to like these

Offline BlueBär

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Re: Keepers of the Faith Mission Statement - New GH Wiki
« Reply #138 on: Sun, 24 May 2015, 15:11:01 »
So, about that whole Wiki thing... Is it officially dead? Or as close around the corner as the GH60?

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Re: Keepers of the Faith Mission Statement - New GH Wiki
« Reply #139 on: Sun, 31 May 2015, 10:44:48 »
I was always an advocate of updating the DT Wiki to have a "real Wiki" and then having a Wiki entry like what JD has which is more based on making guides. Like how to do a bolt mod for Model Ms.

This sounds a good idea. Factual information should be kept separate and distinguished from guides; but both should have a place within a good wiki.