New sale! Polysplat Reds. Clean and Dirty Versions. This is my newest profile, smoother than ever before.

E-mail Sale Rules...
- I am selling pairs of caps for $30 + shipping.
- Topre Only
- Specificy two options for the two caps you want. For example, "A3+C1 or B2+A4"
- Topre Only
- This is a combination of RNG and Elimination. Only available complete pairs of your request will be sold. Any caps left unsold will be offered again at a later date via my Instagram.
- Topre Only
- Entry will be open for 24 hours. Please no more submissions after 9PM US Central, March 1st.
- Paypal invoices will come shortly after, from my account.
- Packages will ship first class. $3 CONUS. Please inquire international.
- PM me with any questions.
Subject: PSRed *username* *source of username(gh, reddit, etc)*
Body: *Choice Option 1 (eg A3+C1)* - *Choice Option 2* - *paypal email address* - *CONUS or International*
Sale is closed. All winners have been contacted or sent an invoice. Thank you to everyone who participated

widdlekitty caps: magic rainbow kingdom sale

Three color options. Each colorway will included a triple shot Escape Key, single shot Esc and Fn.

Unicorn Tears: Esc + Fn 3 Pack

Sunshine Agony: Esc + Fn 3 Pack:

Unforgiving Sea: Esc + Fn 3 Pack - $16

Each set of 3 is priced at $16 shipped CONUS. Please inquire about additional charges for international. Topre only.
Purchasing information will be put here on April 19th.