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Steroids vs Pizza

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Is the personal decision to use steroids for Vanity-Muscles really all that different from someone who decides to eat alot-of-Pizzas and die early from Heart disease/Diabetes/Cancer ??

It seems like Roid-guys catch all this negativity.

You put a turbo charger in, it wears out the engine block.

The assigned quantity of negativity seems unfair..

Thoughts ?

All the biggest meatheads I've met all eat like total ****. Or maybe it's just when I was hanging out with them is when they were not adhering to a diet, either way I seen those ****ers pack away 3 dinners in one sitting then go out and drink about 12 beers. Carb city, idk how they work that **** off.


--- Quote from: tp4tissue on Thu, 30 April 2020, 19:00:53 ---Is the personal decision to use steroids for Vanity-Muscles really all that different from someone who decides to eat alot-of-Pizzas and die early from Heart disease/Diabetes/Cancer ??

It seems like Roid-guys catch all this negativity.

You put a turbo charger in, it wears out the engine block.

The assigned quantity of negativity seems unfair..

Thoughts ?

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The people who put peas on pizza remind me that the ninth circle of hell exists for that reason.

the other thing is that the bio-mass of all these pizza guzzling obese humans is far greater than these skinny muscle men which results in them being far more powerful (7.9 compared to green anaconda's 8.2).


--- Quote from: 1391401 on Thu, 30 April 2020, 23:37:02 ---the other thing is that the bio-mass of all these pizza guzzling obese humans is far greater than these skinny muscle men which results in them being far more powerful (7.9 compared to green anaconda's 8.2).

--- End quote ---

We are more fit not BECAUSE of the pizzas,  it's DESPITE the pizzas, relative to (Wolves).

Our intellect is so ahead that DESPITE this major setback to health, we're still ahead of most other animals.


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