Author Topic: [IC] GMK White Wolf 🐺  (Read 140572 times)

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Offline Moridin

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P.S. If anyone needs to contact me, please PM me on Discord @ Moridin#9373 — I don't know what I'm doing on the PM system on GH.

Offline The.Ryan.Gamer

  • Posts: 235
P.S. If anyone needs to contact me, please PM me on Discord @ Moridin#9373 — I don't know what I'm doing on the PM system on GH.

LOL! So this is why you were quite active, you just didn't know what you were doing.  :'(

Copping, and it's hard to pass on those spacebar sets

Offline fropsie

  • Posts: 151
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So I take it you didn't get licensing for the set, hence the snaking around the logos by putting dots on various points?
Not impressed.

Offline razor_blade

  • Posts: 122
So I take it you didn't get licensing for the set, hence the snaking around the logos by putting dots on various points?
Not impressed.

That's a pretty dumb take. Read the thread. He tried, CDPR told him that they can't get back to him for MANY months, potentially 2021 from what I remember. This was the alternative that we, as a group, and Moridin mutually decided on. Showing up to **** on this thread while contributing nothing is unimpressive.

Offline fropsie

  • Posts: 151
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So I take it you didn't get licensing for the set, hence the snaking around the logos by putting dots on various points?
Not impressed.

That's a pretty dumb take. Read the thread. He tried, CDPR told him that they can't get back to him for MANY months, potentially 2021 from what I remember. This was the alternative that we, as a group, and Moridin mutually decided on. Showing up to **** on this thread while contributing nothing is unimpressive.

Oh you needed to wait till 2021?
« Last Edit: Fri, 28 August 2020, 17:46:04 by fropsie »

Offline razor_blade

  • Posts: 122
So I take it you didn't get licensing for the set, hence the snaking around the logos by putting dots on various points?
Not impressed.

That's a pretty dumb take. Read the thread. He tried, CDPR told him that they can't get back to him for MANY months, potentially 2021 from what I remember. This was the alternative that we, as a group, and Moridin mutually decided on. Showing up to **** on this thread while contributing nothing is unimpressive.

Oh you needed to wait till 2021?

At this rate, most of us won't even make it to 2021. LOL

Offline break

  • Posts: 402
So I take it you didn't get licensing for the set, hence the snaking around the logos by putting dots on various points?
Not impressed.

That's a pretty dumb take. Read the thread. He tried, CDPR told him that they can't get back to him for MANY months, potentially 2021 from what I remember. This was the alternative that we, as a group, and Moridin mutually decided on. Showing up to **** on this thread while contributing nothing is unimpressive.

Ignoring the ad hominem here, no response from a license holder is not the same as clear agreement. Running this set without a clear response from CDPR puts both the designer and the set vendors at risk. “We asked but you didn’t respond quickly enough for us” doesn’t stand up as a legal defense.

Offline NoPunIn10Did

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I for one was looking forward to this set because initially it seemed like Moridin was going to do the legwork to get the license. But if the people who own the rights haven’t given their permission, the bare minimum one must do is redo the novelties from scratch. That didn’t happen here.

It’s a really nice set, and I’d love to see it made officially. Delaying this GB until the legal logistics can be worked out, with Netflix and CDPR both contacted to ensure no infringement, would be the best solution.

They licensed the Witcher logo to be put on a coffee mug. I’m fairly certain they’d be happy to license it to a custom keyset; they just need to be paid for the use of their art.

Offline NoPunIn10Did

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I think there’s additionally a business case to be made here; if you delay the GB and do this the right way, you might even be able to time it to coincide with the release of the second season on Netflix.

Offline Moridin

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All the novelties will be unique and free from IP infringement. I tried, I gave it a few months of my time, but they’re obviously “all hands on deck” with Cyberpunk.

“Purchasing a license” isn’t as simple as you make it out to be. I know the path, they know the path, it includes contracts and months of legal work, which they can’t devote their time to at the moment. 2021 Q2 is the earliest they were willing to start discussing all the details. That would put this set’s production into 2022.

Wait until you see what we’ve come up with.

Offline Panchi

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Oh my god this looks amazing. Signing the IC form now

Offline Pluto19

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Wait until you see what we’ve come up with.
Have you come up with the data?

Offline fropsie

  • Posts: 151
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All the novelties will be unique and free from IP infringement. I tried, I gave it a few months of my time, but they’re obviously “all hands on deck” with Cyberpunk.

“Purchasing a license” isn’t as simple as you make it out to be. I know the path, they know the path, it includes contracts and months of legal work, which they can’t devote their time to at the moment. 2021 Q2 is the earliest they were willing to start discussing all the details. That would put this set’s production into 2022.

Wait until you see what we’ve come up with.

So what you're saying is that you didn't want to wait to have an actual licensed set produced, and instead modified/infringed on IP in order to run your set sooner....
This is just getting funnier and funnier as it goes.
Honestly, I don't care what you've "come up with", all this proves is that this hobby is spiraling downwards.
Maybe put the months of contracts and legal work and communication into an actual approved set instead of just pulling **** like this.
It is deplorable, and should have no place in this community.

Offline NoPunIn10Did

  • Posts: 532
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All the novelties will be unique and free from IP infringement. I tried, I gave it a few months of my time, but they’re obviously “all hands on deck” with Cyberpunk.

“Purchasing a license” isn’t as simple as you make it out to be. I know the path, they know the path, it includes contracts and months of legal work, which they can’t devote their time to at the moment. 2021 Q2 is the earliest they were willing to start discussing all the details. That would put this set’s production into 2022.

Wait until you see what we’ve come up with.

I’m confused now. The novelties you’re going to GB with aren’t the ones currently pictured?

Offline Moridin

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All the novelties will be unique and free from IP infringement. I tried, I gave it a few months of my time, but they’re obviously “all hands on deck” with Cyberpunk.

“Purchasing a license” isn’t as simple as you make it out to be. I know the path, they know the path, it includes contracts and months of legal work, which they can’t devote their time to at the moment. 2021 Q2 is the earliest they were willing to start discussing all the details. That would put this set’s production into 2022.

Wait until you see what we’ve come up with.

I’m confused now. The novelties you’re going to GB with aren’t the ones currently pictured?

I was referring to the first design, using the game elements from CDPR.

Offline Moridin

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So what you're saying is that you didn't want to wait to have an actual licensed set produced, and instead modified/infringed on IP in order to run your set sooner....
This is just getting funnier and funnier as it goes.
Honestly, I don't care what you've "come up with", all this proves is that this hobby is spiraling downwards.
Maybe put the months of contracts and legal work and communication into an actual approved set instead of just pulling **** like this.
It is deplorable, and should have no place in this community.

No, that’s not what I’m saying.

Offline fropsie

  • Posts: 151
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So what you're saying is that you didn't want to wait to have an actual licensed set produced, and instead modified/infringed on IP in order to run your set sooner....
This is just getting funnier and funnier as it goes.
Honestly, I don't care what you've "come up with", all this proves is that this hobby is spiraling downwards.
Maybe put the months of contracts and legal work and communication into an actual approved set instead of just pulling **** like this.
It is deplorable, and should have no place in this community.

No, that’s not what I’m saying.

Well then if you are inferring a rework in novelties prior to GB (which I believe is in what? around 4/5 days now), then I am interested to see what you have planned.

Best of luck.

Offline DuellM

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« Last Edit: Fri, 28 August 2020, 23:58:23 by DuellM »

Offline Lord_Rabel

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I think this hobby is about passion.
I am a HUGE Witcher fan and will probably but 3-5 sets. I am not ok with the current sign designs. I loved how you started, loved the light grey alphas, the Fu** key xD. And then? I really hate the sign design you have now. And I would love to see the old ones back. I know CDPR is in a hurry right now, but when they release Cyberpunk maybe they aren't anymore.
I as a keyboard enthusiast and a Witcher fan would love to wait one or two years longer and am willing to pay a premium, if the set gets what it deserves.
Maybe it is only my opinion, but I think such a Witcher set is a one time chance and PLEASE do it good. Have passion as big as I have and wait. Speak with CDPR with Netflix. This community is huge, if you ask on reddit maybe there's someone, willing to help you speaking to them.
Do what's in your possibilities but please don't do it wrong or because you want the set to be finished.

Offline Butterbeer

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Consider the possibility that this set gets pushed back 1-2 years. Then CDPR decides that they do not approve of this set and in fact realizes that it infringes on their IP and that they will do everything in their power so that this set never sees the light of day. The risk is that the whole set gets cancelled and 2 years are wasted in the process and a Witcher themed set is dead in the water. See reference GMK Blink.

Consider the possibility that CDPR likes the idea, but decides to partner with a vendor to do an officially licensed set instead. Instead of this beautifully designed set, the community is left with a half-baked version of an officially licensed Star Wars set. See reference Star Wars sets

According to Wikipedia, The Witcher has been around since 1980. So this set is long past due! If any true fans wanted to get this set made they would have done it a long time ago.

Offline mark.l.ashworth

  • Posts: 11
Super looking forward to this set. As mentioned earlier an official set of novelties can be released later when CDPR give it the thumbs up. The only real issue is around the signs. If you don’t like them don’t buy the novelty set on this round.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Offline Moridin

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Thanks for the positive comments. This is the hardest set I’ve done, stress-wise, and I’m just grateful for those uplifting comments.

Butterbeer basically encompassed all my worries into a short paragraph (or was it 2). Thanks.

Offline Moridin

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P.S. Also please understand that I am under an NDA for certain things that I cannot talk about.

Offline konstantin

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People who are critical of the approach that Moridin took should keep in mind that there's always the possibility of running a round 2 of this set with licenses further down the line. Other than that, Butterbeer has summed it up pretty well.

Offline Zeelobby

  • Posts: 926
Yeah. Personally I'll totally buy this now, and then if licensed down the road, will totally buy updated signs later.

Offline Lord_Rabel

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Moridin, I think you are doing everything thats in your might to deliver the best keycap set possible. And I reall respect your effort in this project.
So I believe when the GB starts it is to 100% the best you could have achieved.

Offline alper_maestro

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Keep up the good work Moridin and don't be lectured by a few know-it-alls  ;)

Offline break

  • Posts: 402
Look, I get it. I'm working on two sets now. One is a homage to the creative output of another person. I care a lot about seeing them through. You all are also really into this set. Lastly, it's running with Dixie and has mono-ish colors and therefore will (IMO) break 1000 base kits without a problem in today's environment.

I just don't want you all to discover you've inadvertently played yourself after six months of effort. That would suck for you, as Witcher fans, and for me, as a participant in the design side of this hobby.

Best of luck.
« Last Edit: Sun, 30 August 2020, 07:41:27 by break »

Offline sevenseacat

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I mean, the first Indiana Jones movie was released in 1981. I love Indy, like many others. I grew up watching The Last Crusade late Saturday night. But the idea that an Indy set is "overdue" is just not...a thing, IMO. It's not. By your reason there are infinity permutations of meta-art that are "overdue." Where are our GoT, Metal Gear Solid or Teletubbies sets?

SA Night King ran a few years ago.

Offline Arithmetics

  • Posts: 262
This set rocks. lol at 'I am not ok with the current sign designs.'

they look fine.  just thinking about those abomination star wars sets makes me puke. please proceed!
« Last Edit: Mon, 31 August 2020, 13:11:33 by Arithmetics »

Offline Moridin

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Some people have been complaining that there's only one sword.

Geralt has two.

A steel one, for humans.
A silver one, for monsters.

The suggestion was to use the Shift keys for both swords.

Thing is... he only uses one sword at a time.

So you will have a choice. Steel or silver... *** or *********.

Offline Bobatype

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I really like the theme, but getting close to IP is really, really gray area.
I truly hope you don't get ceased and desisted.
The base kit colour scheme is a bit bland personally, making the novelty accent colours, kind of a must. I wish there was a touch of blood red as an accent option as well.

Offline fishymango

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Definitely will grab these, but kinda sad there's no Triss novelties tho D: Have you ever thought about that?

Offline Lastpadawan

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Very much looking forward to this, I've loved the games and I definitely can't wait to grab this set!

Offline Domantas

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So basically if I would buy novelties it would go with gmk burgundy chacha. That sounds tempting :D Also men this reminds my ordered set - gmk ashes :DDD also n9 is so popular grey color - almost half of my ordered sets are n9
« Last Edit: Thu, 03 September 2020, 08:51:19 by Domantas »

Offline Moridin

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White Wolf will be put on hold due to actions beyond our control. GMK has decided not to run it, despite running the design through a copyright lawyer, who gave me the all clear. We will respect their decision and evaluate how to move forward.

Or as Geralt would say...

I would also like to personally thank Garret from Dixie Mech — he has been wonderfully supportive of the whole set, expanding the kits composition, and has tried to move heaven and earth to make it happen.

Offline steezkeez

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Re: [IC] GMK White Wolf 🐺
« Reply #336 on: Thu, 03 September 2020, 12:17:59 »
damn gg

Offline Awayhugepickle

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Re: [IC] GMK White Wolf 🐺
« Reply #337 on: Thu, 03 September 2020, 12:46:18 »

Offline haystack

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Re: [IC] GMK White Wolf 🐺
« Reply #338 on: Thu, 03 September 2020, 13:08:32 »
I think we've all learned an important lesson here, which is that IP infringement is only acceptable if it involves an anime character.

Offline fropsie

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Unfortunate, but not unexpected.

Best of luck with your future endeavors.
« Last Edit: Thu, 03 September 2020, 13:40:09 by fropsie »

Offline alper_maestro

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Re: [IC] GMK White Wolf 🐺
« Reply #340 on: Thu, 03 September 2020, 16:23:55 »

Offline break

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Re: [IC] GMK White Wolf 🐺
« Reply #341 on: Thu, 03 September 2020, 16:26:56 »
Terribly sorry to hear about this, and best of luck with your projects.

Offline Arithmetics

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Re: [IC] GMK White Wolf 🐺
« Reply #342 on: Thu, 03 September 2020, 17:03:05 »
I think we've all learned an important lesson here, which is that IP infringement is only acceptable if it involves an anime character.

top tier

Offline GMK_Andy

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Re: [IC] GMK White Wolf 🐺
« Reply #343 on: Thu, 03 September 2020, 18:46:52 »
Due to the growth of the hobby there have been a large spike in projects and ideas being proposed to us. We can't possibly do research on our own and make sure each and every set is original and free from infringements, and have at times struggled with this in the past. Therefore, we are adding a clause to our contracts with the vendors in which we define that it is the vendor's responsibility to check for IP/Copyright violations, and in case of legal action from studios/IP holders that the vendor and designer will be solely responsible for all liabilities and financial damages. After these contracts are in place this should help mitigate this issue from happening down the line.

With this being said, we have already mentioned to the appropriate parties that we are happy to move forward with this project as soon as an official license has been granted by the studio or we have written evidence by the studio that confirms that the current design doesn't infringe their IP and they are waiving any legal action.

We never want to see a project not happen are hope to see this come to fruition as soon as possible!

If you do have direct questions regarding this please don't hesitate to reach out to me and I'll try to answer them as prompty as I can!
« Last Edit: Thu, 03 September 2020, 21:11:11 by GMK_Andy »

Offline Moridin

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Re: [IC] GMK White Wolf 🐺
« Reply #344 on: Fri, 04 September 2020, 01:41:33 »
I would just like to add two things, with no disrespect to any party involved, but just as a clarification to my earlier post:

- I have already had an unbiased EU-based copyright lawyer sign off on the design, after analysing our final kits.
- There is no way to realistically get written permission from a large studio, confirming a design does not infringe on their copyrights (I had unofficial verbal confirmation from them, but this is obviously not admissible).

Cheers everyone and have a wonderful day! 🍻

Offline fatalruin

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Re: [IC] GMK White Wolf 🐺
« Reply #345 on: Tue, 08 September 2020, 11:22:29 »
I think I understand the plan now: 2020 JTK White Wolf and then 2022 GMK White Wolf. I'm in for both.

Offline The.Ryan.Gamer

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Re: [IC] GMK White Wolf 🐺
« Reply #346 on: Wed, 09 September 2020, 03:12:53 »
I would just like to add two things, with no disrespect to any party involved, but just as a clarification to my earlier post:

- I have already had an unbiased EU-based copyright lawyer sign off on the design, after analysing our final kits.
- There is no way to realistically get written permission from a large studio, confirming a design does not infringe on their copyrights (I had unofficial verbal confirmation from them, but this is obviously not admissible).

Cheers everyone and have a wonderful day! 🍻

Man, i just don't understand what's happening here. But anything Moridin puts out, i'll cop.  :thumb:

Offline udller

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Re: [IC] GMK White Wolf 🐺
« Reply #347 on: Wed, 09 September 2020, 11:25:38 »
i really wanted that **** backspace. ****.

Offline Moridin

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Re: [IC] GMK White Wolf 🐺
« Reply #348 on: Wed, 09 September 2020, 12:10:55 »
How do you like the Alt Graph novelties? 🙃

Offline Peko

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Re: [IC] GMK White Wolf 🐺
« Reply #349 on: Wed, 09 September 2020, 15:12:18 »
Is it possible to just run the set without novelties, and run the novelties add-on kit after the written-permission is granted?