Author Topic: Akko Mirror Switch Review  (Read 7401 times)

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Offline ThereminGoat

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Akko Mirror Switch Review
« on: Sun, 24 November 2024, 10:03:08 »
Hey all,

After having seen yet another half dozen switches be announced by Akko, I figured it was about time I take the weekend to try and work through their madness of a catalogue and sort everything out. So here we have a brief walk through of the majority of Akko's switches they've released over the years as well as who it is that actually made these switches. Oh, and I guess there's a review of the new HMX-made Akko Mirror switches in there as well...

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As always, thank you all for the continued support and readership week in and out. Coming up on 5 years of writing now it's a bit strange to realize how long this all has been going on and that feeling of weirdness is a little more tolerable knowing you all must be a little shocked that it has been this long too. Here's to many more articles in the coming years!


Offline tankLancer

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Re: Akko Mirror Switch Review
« Reply #1 on: Thu, 12 December 2024, 08:58:20 »
your article  :thumb: definitely improved my knowledge about Akko, saving me the effort to test a lot of their switches.