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RTX 4070 Super and other Super models

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--- Quote from: phinix on Mon, 02 December 2024, 17:26:56 ---tp, what about that rumored RX 8800 XT - is that gonna be good?
RX 8800 XT = 4080?

--- End quote ---

It's rumored to be faster than the 7900xt so somewhere around 4080/ 7900xtx.

XTX is a good bit faster than 4080 in raster as well. So, don't think it'll hit xtx level.

Everyone is hoping it's $500, but if it's $600, it'll sell ok, but not breaking/ making any waves.

Off-topic question about GPU usage because I don't wanna create a new thread just to ask.

Can someone explain to me why watching a 4K 120fps movie via VLC I am using less than 20% of my GPU, but when I'm watching a YouTube video in Firefox it uses over 60% of my GPU?

For reference I am running Win10 with a 2080 Super

What 4K 120fps movie, do you mean, 23.976fps movie into 120hz refresh monitor?

60% of the gpu is probably at the lower clock, it's not using 60% at its highest clock.

Why this new 50xx nvidia series cards are so bad with power gain?
Is it because "Moores law is dead" and they cannot get any smaller in manufacturing?

The GPU architectures right now are AI first, gaming second.

Designing cards entirely focused on game optimization is not profitable, nor necessary, since it's just kids playing games.


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