geekhack Projects > Making Stuff Together!

ErgoDox - Custom split ergo keyboard.

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On the very last step. Have the keyboard assembled and switches soldered to PCB, just need to tweak the firmware for the new function row. so far what I can tell is that I need to modify the ergodox_ez.h file from the qmk repos. I'm adding a new layout with #define LAYOUT_ergodox_fn. It seems like the matrix positions are transposed from the actual layout values above them, so I'm operating on that one.

Since I'm adding a row I'll have to add something to the I2C aliases and register addresses at the top to reference which pin on the MCP and the teensy have the new row mapped to them.

Other than that I should be able to just define my kemap and flash, correct? Is there anything I'm missing about the process?


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