geekhack Community > Other Geeky Stuff

Games you are most looking forward to

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WOW!!! Kathy Rain 2 !!!

It's wild to me given the series popularity that the first Silent Hill game has never once gotten a rerelease, HD remaster, remake, or has been included in any collections ever.

You can download a digital version from the PS3 store(which might not exist anymore) and that is it, aside from directly off the original PS1 disc.

It sucks, because the opening sequence of that game is really great. First time I remember ever being frightened from a game.

Metal Gear: Snake Eater remake is my #1 that I am looking forward to getting my hands on, and awaiting 1.0 to launch for Escape from Tarkov so we can finally run through the story line and "escape" (been playing since '17 when the beta released).

The solution is m0ar P0wahhh..  Also, freakn' how are real planes balanced, this thing has trouble pitching up. Even with all the m0ar power.


--- Quote from: Darthbaggins on Mon, 10 February 2025, 07:30:37 ---Metal Gear: Snake Eater remake is my #1 that I am looking forward to getting my hands on, and awaiting 1.0 to launch for Escape from Tarkov so we can finally run through the story line and "escape" (been playing since '17 when the beta released).

--- End quote ---

I'm looking forward to that one too. Its been quiet on stealth games front lately.


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