geekhack Community > Other Geeky Stuff
What video games are you currently playing?
--- Quote from: tp4tissue on Fri, 17 January 2025, 15:02:17 ---
--- Quote from: Tym on Fri, 17 January 2025, 13:35:28 ---
--- Quote from: tp4tissue on Fri, 17 January 2025, 10:56:22 ---Doom eternal, too much or too little platforming? Thoughts.
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You ever played the Yakuza games? Think they'd be right up your street.
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On the to play list.
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Infinite Wealth is a very good game. After the first 2 hours of setting up the story(yeah, it takes that long for every Yakuza game) the game basically turns into like 75 different mini games that are all quite fun and easy to get sidetracked with for a week.
I think Yakuza games get better and better as they lean more into ridiculousness and absurdity.
Doom Eternal is so much harder than the first game.
It totally kicks your ass in the early stages as doom guy is very squishy without all his upgrades and faster damage.
Damn it, why doom eternal so difficult, it's kicking Tp4 so hard. The required Focus and Intensity, a younger person's game.
I never cared for the ammo loop in Eternal, and how monsters are gun-coded for specific weapon weaknesses. I don't like being forced to use weapons I don't enjoy. That, and the stupid platforming/grapple sections.
Marauders killing Tp4 for the 50th time. Head in hand, this is, omgggg....
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