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How do people with jobs find time to go to the gym?
Suppose you are working 48-60hrs a week, 6 days a week, and work until midnight. How the hell are you supposed to find time to go to the gym?
I genuinely do not understand how people find the time or energy. Explain this to me.
--- Quote from: noisyturtle on Mon, 20 November 2023, 01:48:59 ---Suppose you are working 48-60hrs a week, 6 days a week, and work until midnight. How the hell are you supposed to find time to go to the gym?
I genuinely do not understand how people find the time or energy. Explain this to me.
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1) Gym rats don't really live for anything else.
2) Who the hell works that much? Oo I mean I did more than that during my PhD obviously but that was a temporary situation. (Come to think of it, I still went swimming five times a week even then)
--- Quote from: chyros on Mon, 20 November 2023, 04:09:46 ---2) Who the hell works that much? Oo I mean I did more than that during my PhD obviously but that was a temporary situation. (Come to think of it, I still went swimming five times a week even then)
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Quite a lot actually.
Resident doctors, new lawyers, truckers, I.T., health care workers, sometimes teachers, and of course, independent business owners, especially new ones. Starting my last company, 80 hours would have been a dream.
Also military,
There's times where 72 hours was the norm and you were encouraged to "get at least 6 hours of sleep twice a week".
From a European perspective, those work hours are totally bonkers. I can understand if you are running your own business or you're a workaholic that takes on responsibility voluntarily, but it should never be dumped on regular workers: that's just abuse.
When I've had office jobs (job at all), I've had co-workers that went to the gym right before work, right after work or during the lunch break. Cliques formed at work that often went together.
The keys here were that hours were reasonable (40h work week), with some flexibility (allowing long lunch break) and that the gyms were located within short walking distance from the office.
A few times the employer encouraged people to to exercise by sponsoring them (tax-free benefit) and/or brokering a deal with a local gym for reduced membership fees. It was viewed as an investment: healthier workers are more productive workers.
But yeah. I've even had a gym membership that I never used because at the end of the day I just wanted to get some food and some alone-time.
They don't
They join January, and stop going 2 weeks later.
The only people who maintain live within walkable distance like 2-5 minutes.
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