geekhack Marketplace > Interest Checks
[IC] GMK Alt Grrrrr kit
30.01.2025 UPDATE
Hi !
Good week ! GMK is ahead of schedule and vendors are starting to receive their kits :thumb:
Sells will start asap so check your vendors discord/website !
For the US, unfortunately Loobed switch will no longer be selling the kits due to recent events.
However I'm glad to say that Divinikey will be taking the spot as US vendor !
We are also welcoming KeebzNCables as a new vendor for Australia !
Looking forward to see pictures from you all !
Cheerrrrrs !
what's the final pricing for the kits and when will they be available for purchase?
interestingrrrrrrrrrr stuff
--- Quote from: noodleman on Thu, 30 January 2025, 21:38:47 ---what's the final pricing for the kits and when will they be available for purchase?
--- End quote ---
- Pricing: depending on regions, applicables taxes may vary so the price will not exactly be the same. It's best you ask this to your local vendor, but for the 12pces kit we should be around 15-25 euros max. So definitely lower for the 5pces kits.
- Timeline: Some vendors already received their stocks, but holding on starting the sale for all vendors to receive theirs. The aim would be for all of them to start at the same time. Because we added new vendors recently, their kits will only be shipped from GMK these days so it might hold on everyone start selling, but it's a matter of days, maybe one or two weeks max I guess.
31.01.2025 UPDATE
Hello again !
Small update to say Minokeys is joining the sell as well for Canada !
That is concluding the vendor list :thumb:
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