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Why does my GPU constantly spool up and spin down?


It is like I'm constantly listening to waves crashing on a beach, or wind blowing through branches, but no, it is just my 2070 Super consistently spinning up the fan and immediately winding it down. Over and over, all day long.

Frankly it is kinda maddening, and I tried adjusting the fan settings to be smoother, but nothing seems to work. The only time the fan spins at a consistent rate is when I'm actually playing games. Then it spools up and stays there. But when I'm working, on the internet, watching a movie, all I hear is the fan making washing machine noises.

Why?  :confused:

Sounds like an airflow issue, specifically a dead zone.
Fans kick on, blow out the heat around it, then it heats up again and the fans kick on again. 

You need something to keep the air moving around it.


--- Quote from: Leslieann on Tue, 12 November 2024, 03:42:59 ---Sounds like an airflow issue, specifically a dead zone.
Fans kick on, blow out the heat around it, then it heats up again and the fans kick on again. 

You need something to keep the air moving around it.

--- End quote ---

It has been a couple years since I've done a dust blow out. That may ease the air flow sitch a bit, hopefully.

I've had this exact problem with my Gigabyte Gaming OC 4090 since I got it, and it was driving me crazy looking for a way to stop it. I'll give this a try, appreciate the info vshare .

This can occur ime when a fan curve triggers different GPU fans to run independently. So there's a whoosh of one fan, then it stops and another fan starts and so on, indefinitely when at the same idle temp. EVGA cards for example have such independent GPU fan control.

I found if the fan curve is adjusted to some minimum (eg: using Afterburner) where all fans are engaged it ironically makes less noise due to the fans not winding down repeatedly.

A minimum fan speed I prefer over any zero RPM mode (ie: no fans running) since the rest of the system components get too hot otherwise with the ambient GPU heat, which then can trigger say the CPU/case fans to spin at a higher RPM than usual.


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