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Modem Making Noise Question

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I decided on the Samsung T7 Shield.

Decided not to start a new topic.

My (AT&T Arris) fiber cable router is 4 years old and it is starting to make noise. Random ticks, or clicks, whatever, I would use the term "chirps"

It is completely random and stays quiet for a long time then wakes up. May be more common in the evening?

AT&T help line and chat are useless and will not respond to my inquiries.

If the unit is certain to be failing I can take it to the AT&T store on the other side of town and ask for a new one. There is a white modem (?) firmly attaced to the interior wall and a seperate black router (?) sitting on the floor beside it. Should I ask for a service call?


Demonic possession, visit your local asian apothecary, they got this pouch of tea-egg seasoning that you boil with 6 eggs, then you offer said eggs to GuanYu statue or photo alter with 3 incense sticks. You then eat 1 of the 6 eggs, leaving 5 eggs. Take the ashes from the incense sticks put them into luke warm boiled water, swish around. Drink a mouthful but DO NOT SWALLOW. Spit in a straight line horizontally in front of the demonically possessed cable modem, and grab its antennas with both hands, DEMAND the demons leave said device.

If you're renting the modem, a service call *should* be free as they control everything up to the modem. If you own the modem they stop at the outside wall.

My experience however has been they WILL find some reason to charge you for the service call even if it involves unnecessary work. Had one guy rewire everything from the wall to the computer (single computer) just so he could charge the customer. All the wiring was brand new and installed by one of their own service guys on their own time. Nothing wrong with it, just his way of making sure they could charge that fee.

If it was me, I'd take it in myself.
I'd also probably later buy my own modem and return it to save on the monthly rental fee if they have one (get it fixed before you do this).

Thank you!

Is the unit fairly certain to be dying?


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