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Cooking and dat Lung Cancer
Thoughts on high temp cooking, vaporizing oil smoke + Gas stoves.
Smoke from canola oil is known to cause lung cancer, yes. But in normal cooking you never heat it up so much that there is smoke.
When seasoning a pan though...
Computer-Lab in Basement:
Everything causes cancer these days, why bother fighting it, enjoy life while you can. They'll cure cancer someday.
*smokes cigarette*
--- Quote from: Computer-Lab in Basement on Fri, 06 December 2024, 11:00:23 ---Everything causes cancer these days, why bother fighting it, enjoy life while you can. They'll cure cancer someday.
*smokes cigarette*
--- End quote ---
Ah yes, delicious cigarettes. The drug of the anxious.
It also makes you 500% more cool.
--- Quote from: tp4tissue on Fri, 06 December 2024, 10:30:53 ---
vaporizing oil
--- End quote ---
Plus trans fats begin forming over 400F/200C
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