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Unhacking the wallet

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That was an accelerant read! Well said, well said.

I enjoyed this thread from start to end.  I just wanted to join the group and say,

"Hi, I'm Paul and I spend way too much on keyboards"

Paul aka Hot Trout
Keyboard Enthusiast Anonymous Member since 2012

Now that is out of the way.  I have been a collector (horder) all my life.  My interests include, HiFi, old computer, consoles and games, old handhelds, watches, motorcycles and since 2012 keyboards.  With all of these FOMO was a big factor once you were into the hobby.  FOMO is what will make you buy the wrong thing and spend too much.  Once you get a handle on FOMO you will have better control of your collecting hobby.  That said, I have way more computers and consoles than I can ever restore (unless I live to 120 years old) and I have way more watches than I can wear.  I also have way more keyboards than I can remember, let alone use.  Do I regret buying them, no, so long as they do not impact my real life or my family.  Always spend what you can afford to loose and you will not go too far wrong.  If it helps, I can justify a lot of it as investments.  Most if not all of my things, bikes, watches, computers and now keyboards are all worth more than what I paid for them, this makes them a good investment. 

To make sure this investment is not lost (in the event of my death or sudden loss of memory), I have put everything of any real value into a list that explains it all to my next of kin, so that they, without any knowledge, will still know what to sell and why it has value, as well as that expected value.  This way I get comfort from knowing that what I enjoy now as a hobby, my family will enjoy later as cash.  I like to think they will pick up one of my Amiga's and think of me or want to keep 'dads old Iron 165' as a keep sake, but that most likely will not care.  They might however care about the price of the Iron 165 when they go to sell it.

Are things like computers and bikes (either motorised or human-powered) really investments though?

They are two of my interests (for bikes, human powered) and normal purchases depreciate like crazy, unless you've got something like a mint condition Apple Lisa sitting in it's original sealed box.


--- Quote from: jamster on Mon, 24 May 2021, 05:40:04 ---Are things like computers and bikes (either motorised or human-powered) really investments though?

They are two of my interests (for bikes, human powered) and normal purchases depreciate like crazy, unless you've got something like a mint condition Apple Lisa sitting in it's original sealed box.

--- End quote ---

For me it is motorcycles and I always buy old, collectible to restore and turn profit (if I sold them).  On the computer collection I have many rare item's, many boxed and many sought after.  I don't have a boxed Lisa ... yet.

I have too many keyboards for my need and I rotate them on a weekly basis. At one point, I told myself I have had enough to last me a lifetime (or even if my children are using them for "school work", I would have enough for the families). Oddly, that works, and so, I have not bought any keyboards for years. My last being a Keychron Bluetooth because I needed one to connect to multiple devices, but that ended up being used for a few months and being rotated out too, despite being the only keyboard with Bluetooth. This taught me about a very real fact that I don't need any new keyboards even though they may have features I thought I needed.

Same with artisans - when the retail price became beyond my budget, I stopped and just enjoyed those that I already have!


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