geekhack Community > Other Geeky Stuff
Good words, and their definitions
floccinaucinihilipilification - the action or habit of estimating something as worthless.
Used in a sentence: The floccinaucinihilipilification of my career path has spiraled me into a deep depression.
crepuscular - of, resembling, or relating to twilight. an animal appearing or active in twilight.
Used in a sentence: My cat Pixel is a naturally crepuscular creature, as she gets the zoomies right after sundown.
slubberdegullion - a slobbering or dirty fellow, a worthless sloven.
Used in a sentence: I don't want that filthy slubberdegullion Jeff anywhere near this party.
oligopsony - a state of the market in which only a small number of buyers exists for a product.
Used in a sentence - ****ty artisan keycaps create quite the oligopsony.
mountebank - a person who deceives others, especially in order to trick them out of their money; a charlatan.
Used in a sentence: Personally, I think the entire Scientology organization are nothing more than a group of mountebanks.
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