Here's the new firmware for 2.0: 1.0 Users: Use the keyboard/clueboard1 directory
If you want to use the RGG strip support, follow /u/badnewscaps 's wiring guide ( ) and uncomment RGBLIGHT_ENABLE in Makefile.
Clueboard 2.0 Users: Use the keyboard/clueboard2 directory
If you want to use the RGB underlighting support you'll need to solder 14 WS2812B onto your PCB. Then uncomment RGBLIGHT_ENABLE in Makefile.
Default Layout Features:
Capslock LED works normally.
Escape key sends escape normally. Shift+Escape sends ~. Fn+Escape sends `.
Fn + any number key is the corresponding "F" key. EG, Fn+4 is F4.
Fn+Backspace sends Delete.
Fn+Page Up turns on the LED's for Esc, Page Up, and the Arrows. (Clueboard 2.0 only)
Fn+Arrows sends Page Up/Down, and Home/End
Fn+S enters the second layer:
Fn+S+R: RESET button, enters firmware programming mode
Fn+S+Backspace: Turn on/off RGB underlight
Fn+S+Spacebar: Cycle through RGB modes
Fn+S+Page Up/Down: Control Brightness of RGB underlight
Fn+S+Left/Right: Control Hue (Color) of RGB underlight
Fn+S+Up/Down: Control Saturation of RGB underlight