Author Topic: [GB] (COMPLETED!) Nantucket Selectric  (Read 515350 times)

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Offline skullydazed

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Wait what... INTERNATIONAL TIPPED! :D What a pleasant surprice, there was like 7 orders or something yesterday! :)

Someone must've bought out the rest:D Remaining anonymous, or was it the designer?;) Just tried (for science) setting mine from 1 to 0 and in the graph it seemed at 24.. so we're tightly tipping.) Hope it encourages other people to join in now (maybe so that the tipping guy can decrease his huge buy order).

It looks like someone ordered 10 sets. I've reached out to him to make sure it wasn't a mistake when ordering. However, assuming it wasn't it looks like everyone will be able to build the Nantucket Selectric board of their dreams!

My dream setup from paint (except key legends should be European): ISO+European 60% layout look
Couldn't get the shark mods to work, we'll see in person. You've outdone yourself with the yellow helm duo!

Edit: thanks to whoever bought those, hope it's not a scam and you've got plenty of funds :thumb:

It wasn't a scam, just a mistake. He meant to only order one. However, this does show that we are closer than we think to tipping that set! Even after adjust his sale back down to 1 set we're still at 17 orders. Only 8 more people and we can tip it!

Offline Armstrong01

  • Posts: 8
Nvm, still good news.) your yesterday's post to mechmarket might have revived it..
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Offline FLFisherman

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Nvm, still good news.) your yesterday's post to mechmarket might have revived it..

Just keep posting it to /r/mechmarket and /r/mechanicalkeyboards until everyone buys it. MiTo has been advertising his stuff daily. You should do the same.  :thumb:

Offline Armstrong01

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Let's do a meetup on Nantucket Island so it gets stickied at the top.
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Offline skullydazed

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Nvm, still good news.) your yesterday's post to mechmarket might have revived it..

Just keep posting it to /r/mechmarket and /r/mechanicalkeyboards until everyone buys it. MiTo has been advertising his stuff daily. You should do the same.  :thumb:

I can only repost every 3 days, but I plan to do so at a rate of every 4-5 days. I don't want to contribute to ad fatigue.  :))

Offline salasource

  • Posts: 40
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Any info about red blanks (row 2-3-4) are they close to 25?

Offline IrPOWERranger

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Would I be right in making the assumption that these use Cherry stabilisers, not Costar?
I'm not sure if you're in the wrong thread but these are keycaps. But just in case, to my knowledge, keycaps are not restricted by which stabilizers are used.

Definitely the right thread. For some reason I was under the impression that key sets were made to fit either cherry or costar stabilisers. I guess not! Thanks.

Offline skullydazed

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Any info about red blanks (row 2-3-4) are they close to 25?

I haven't tried to analyze the blank orders yet. Right now I'm working on a way to figure out which MOQ a set has hit so we can have a more easily understood realtime data source. Here's a preview of what it looks like right now:

Code: [Select]
$ python
TKL: 339
50: 116
100: 58
150: 54
250: 111
Planck: 93
50: 76
100: 7
150: 4
250: 6
Ergodox: 43
50: 26
100: 4
150: 3
250: 10
Numpad: 147
25: 56
50: 23
75: 20
100: 48
Homing: 192
25: 131
50: 10
100: 51
Dvorak/Colemak: 15
25: 13
50: 1
75: 0
100: 1
ISO: 28
25: 28
50: 0
75: 0
100: 0
European: 18
25: 17
50: 1
75: 0
100: 0
Mac: 44
25: 25
50: 6
75: 4
150: 9
Specialty Keys: 121
25: 60
50: 19
100: 17
150: 25
Cape Cod: 167
25: 65
50: 21
75: 19
100: 62
Amity Island: 233
25: 94
50: 35
75: 23
100: 81

I'm hoping that by this evening I'll have added calculations for which MOQ was actually hit, and how many are needed to reach the next MOQ.

Offline KoalaKaiser

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I wish there was a way for us to convince SP to make this ahead of all the other sets  ;D

Offline skullydazed

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I wish there was a way for us to convince SP to make this ahead of all the other sets  ;D

Got $40k I can borrow? I'll put the order in tomorrow. ;)  :p

Offline skullydazed

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I created two new graphs today:

These only update when I run my reporting script, but I'm working on setting it up in cron now. I'll probably update every 20 or 30 minutes.

Offline wodan

  • Posts: 551
Very nice visualization with those new graphs. I'm just very nervous the european kit isn't gonna make it. Can't justify getting this without das Ü.

Offline FLFisherman

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Very nice visualization with those new graphs. I'm just very nervous the european kit isn't gonna make it. Can't justify getting this without das Ü.

I agree. This visualization is great! You're so close on so many sets. It'll definitely tip before the buy ends.

Offline drmntl

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« Last Edit: Sun, 07 February 2016, 11:26:51 by drmntl »

Offline krisst

  • Posts: 134
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Thank you for this wonderful design, the colour combination is excellent. Just joined, also added 6.25u Yellow Spacebar. :D Cheers!

Offline Jolikki

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Edit: Nope, that's going to interfere to much with backspace and the other keys in row 1.

This might be covered in the IC thread, but what's the SA profile for the numpad?
I'm thinking of ordering that one and a couple of blanks and put on the number row on my TKL in case the european set doesn't reach MOQ.
« Last Edit: Sun, 07 February 2016, 07:56:56 by Jolikki »
"I would stand in line for this" - Moby

Offline TheBestUkester

  • Posts: 58
Noticed when I ordered while ago and thought it was just me, but the homing icons on the Google form are missing "F".

Looking forward to this to drop!

Offline kurtle107

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Offline hapns

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Will the Ergodox Kit be made regardless of order count?

Offline skullydazed

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Noticed when I ordered while ago and thought it was just me, but the homing icons on the Google form are missing "F".

Looking forward to this to drop!

I have stared at that so many times and did not notice. Good thing harlw did the official mockup that SP will be working from.

Thanks for pointing it out, I've fixed the image on the form.

Offline skullydazed

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Will the Ergodox Kit be made regardless of order count?

Ergodox orders keep trickling in. I would be very surprised if it didn't manage to tip.

Offline Durahk

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Had to think about this one quite a bit with all the other GB's going on, but count me in!  :thumb:

Offline acme01

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Thanks for doing a special Planck keyset (y)
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Offline bjb39

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Can you buy just the Amity island kit without the base kit? I love the mods, but I don't need a whole other SA set.

Offline skullydazed

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Can you buy just the Amity island kit without the base kit? I love the mods, but I don't need a whole other SA set.

You can! :thumb:

Offline GreyAmbience

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If anyone from Norway, Sweden, Denmark or Sweden is interested in sharing the shipping, I am trying to organize a single order for a few people.
The idea is that people who wan't to share the shipping will note it to the organizer and he will make a single shipment to me that I will repack and ship out. I can ship packages for free at my workplace.

Then you would only be charges how ever little of the shipment that would be your part. If we are 8 people you will pay 1/8 of the shipment cost.
The downside is that you will wait a few more days than otherwise, and you will have to trust a random Danish dude with your goods.

Let me know what you think.

Offline skullydazed

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Happy Monday Everyone!

Later today (after I hear from my email host, actually) I will be sending out summary emails to everyone. This email will show what you've committed to, what has tipped, and give you an idea about what your costs may be. If you want to make sure it will come through please make sure "" is in your address book, so it isn't caught by your spam filter.

In other news we have a fantastic number of commitments. So far 254 people have signed up (not including cancellations) and a total of 1581 sets have been committed to. Every one of you is awesome, and I can't wait to see what everyone does with this design. :cool:

Offline Zorberema

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Happy Monday Everyone!

Later today (after I hear from my email host, actually) I will be sending out summary emails to everyone. This email will show what you've committed to, what has tipped, and give you an idea about what your costs may be. If you want to make sure it will come through please make sure "" is in your address book, so it isn't caught by your spam filter.

In other news we have a fantastic number of commitments. So far 254 people have signed up (not including cancellations) and a total of 1581 sets have been committed to. Every one of you is awesome, and I can't wait to see what everyone does with this design. :cool:

Awesome! I'm still clenching my thumbs hoping that the EU kit will tip... Any clue(haha...) on when the site will go live?

Offline rotciveel

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Are there any renders of the base kit w/ Cape Cod or Amity add-ons?

Offline skullydazed

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Awesome! I'm still clenching my thumbs hoping that the EU kit will tip... Any clue(haha...) on when the site will go live?

Soon as I edit and post the pictures I took last night, and then give everything a good once over. You should see an announcement email soon!

Are there any renders of the base kit w/ Cape Cod or Amity add-ons?

I don't have time to copy and paste from the good looking render right now, but here's some examples with the cape cod kit.




Offline rotciveel

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Awesome! I'm still clenching my thumbs hoping that the EU kit will tip... Any clue(haha...) on when the site will go live?

Soon as I edit and post the pictures I took last night, and then give everything a good once over. You should see an announcement email soon!

Are there any renders of the base kit w/ Cape Cod or Amity add-ons?

I don't have time to copy and paste from the good looking render right now, but here's some examples with the cape cod kit.


Show Image


Show Image


Show Image

Thanks! Looks really good and helps my unimaginative mind see what they look together!
« Last Edit: Mon, 08 February 2016, 13:13:36 by rotciveel »

Offline Zorberema

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Awesome! I'm still clenching my thumbs hoping that the EU kit will tip... Any clue(haha...) on when the site will go live?

Soon as I edit and post the pictures I took last night, and then give everything a good once over. You should see an announcement email soon!

Yay! is literally in my top 8 websites on chrome since I've been looking if it's open so often; I'll place an order as soon as it goes live!  ;D

Offline skullydazed

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I've started sending out reminder emails to let everyone know what they've committed to and what has tipped. Unfortunately mandrill has a 25 email/hour limit for new accounts, so it may take a while for everyone's reminder to go out. Add "" to your address book to avoid having it hit your spam box.

Offline Dernubenfrieken

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I've started sending out reminder emails to let everyone know what they've committed to and what has tipped. Unfortunately mandrill has a 25 email/hour limit for new accounts, so it may take a while for everyone's reminder to go out. Add "" to your address book to avoid having it hit your spam box.

Got the email earlier, reminds me of an automated weekly bank account update. In a good way.

Offline skullydazed

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If you ordered at 2/1/2016 14:40:32 PST and your name is Joe please send me a PM. Your email address bounced and I need to get a corrected one.

Offline Tanthanis

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Looks like we need a few more for the ErgoDox set. Would love to have this one. Let's get the word out.

Offline Skribbles

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Re: [GB] Nantucket Selectric - Modern Selectric Goes Sailing! (SA 1-1-2-3-4-4)
« Reply #186 on: Tue, 09 February 2016, 01:20:26 »
Why SA 1-1-2-3-4-4 instead of SA 3-1-2-3-4-3?

Hey guys, new here.. can someone explain what this means?

Offline skullydazed

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Re: [GB] Nantucket Selectric - Modern Selectric Goes Sailing! (SA 1-1-2-3-4-4)
« Reply #187 on: Tue, 09 February 2016, 01:37:10 »
Why SA 1-1-2-3-4-4 instead of SA 3-1-2-3-4-3?

Hey guys, new here.. can someone explain what this means?

We're talking about the row profiles there. It's probably best explained with a photo:

Notice how there's a very pronounced curve to the keys? That's a result of the varrying row profiles. In that picture you can see a profile of 1-2-3-4-4. On a TKL or full size board you have one more row for the F-keys, which is why you get 1-1-2-3-4-4. Having a set that's 1-1-2-3-4-3 would mean a flat bottom row, instead of curved up the way this is.

Offline Skribbles

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Re: [GB] Nantucket Selectric - Modern Selectric Goes Sailing! (SA 1-1-2-3-4-4)
« Reply #188 on: Tue, 09 February 2016, 02:07:12 »
We're talking about the row profiles there. It's probably best explained with a photo:

Ahh, I see. Thanks for the explanation!

Offline JadedRabbit

  • Posts: 1
Whelp. I just dedicated to buying it. This set is too gorgeous to pass up. (Now to actually order a Pok3r. . .) Congratz on tipping me past lurk mode. ;)

Offline Vimto

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Hope ergodox makes it   :eek:
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Offline salasource

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Any stat updates about blanks? Since some of them are already present in other sets, for example 1U R3 and 1U R4 blue blanks in Plank set, will these be automatically available regardless of blank key orders?

Offline tstackhouse

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Just saw my reminder email, definitely cleared up a misunderstanding on my part on the google form.  Are those going to be sent at regular intervals?

Offline skullydazed

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Any stat updates about blanks? Since some of them are already present in other sets, for example 1U R3 and 1U R4 blue blanks in Plank set, will these be automatically available regardless of blank key orders?

I haven't looked at the blank orders yet. I'll try to do that in the next couple days.

Just saw my reminder email, definitely cleared up a misunderstanding on my part on the google form.  Are those going to be sent at regular intervals?

Yes, I'll send another one next monday, and then a final one a day or two before the end.

Offline SlashCamp

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Only 6 more for Eu to tip!! If we get stupid close to the tipping point on the 20th I might just buy another one. At what time does the orders stop on the 21st?

Offline Armstrong01

  • Posts: 8
Only 6 more for Eu to tip!! If we get stupid close to the tipping point on the 20th I might just buy another one. At what time does the orders stop on the 21st?

I saw this at reddit, I suppose it's the same real time graph as the first one in the OP, though with mouse hover showing numbers, was quite useful before skully posted the "To MOQ" graph (though that is not real time):

I can't buy another International, only a student here:D I apologise to other non-ISO users that we're spamming this forum so much with the International drama..
Planck | Pok3r ISO-UK | Ducky Premier ANSI-US

Offline FLFisherman

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Only 6 more for Eu to tip!! If we get stupid close to the tipping point on the 20th I might just buy another one. At what time does the orders stop on the 21st?

I saw this at reddit, I suppose it's the same real time graph as the first one in the OP, though with mouse hover showing numbers, was quite useful before skully posted the "To MOQ" graph (though that is not real time):

I can't buy another International, only a student here:D I apologise to other non-ISO users that we're spamming this forum so much with the International drama..

I'm not bother by the "spam." You guys are raising awareness for your child kits; I'm rooting for you! You're almost there!  :thumb:

More reddit posts!

Offline Jolikki

  • Posts: 35
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Only 6 more for Eu to tip!! If we get stupid close to the tipping point on the 20th I might just buy another one. At what time does the orders stop on the 21st?

I'm in for this. It's always possible to sell it later.
Where in Sweden do you live?
"I would stand in line for this" - Moby

Offline wodan

  • Posts: 551
Got a second eu+iso+base kit after I realized I have far too many specialty keys for a single keyboard :)

Offline SlashCamp

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Only 6 more for Eu to tip!! If we get stupid close to the tipping point on the 20th I might just buy another one. At what time does the orders stop on the 21st?

I'm in for this. It's always possible to sell it later.
Where in Sweden do you live?
