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I'm building a MurphPad 10-key and am looking for left-over key caps from someone's 60%-75% build. Nothing fancy, maybe a relatively flat profile (cherry, XDA, DSA). I don't care if it's dye-sub or double shot, dark or muted colors.


--- Quote from: roberto_guapo on Fri, 12 May 2023, 23:09:45 ---I'm building a MurphPad 10-key and am looking for left-over key caps from someone's 60%-75% build. Nothing fancy, maybe a relatively flat profile (cherry, XDA, DSA). I don't care if it's dye-sub or double shot, dark or muted colors.

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I have some extra Keyboard & Co. sets sitting around, where's your location? :cool:


--- Quote from: switchnollie on Sat, 13 May 2023, 16:33:36 ---I have some extra Keyboard & Co. sets sitting around, where's your location? :cool:

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I'm in Utah. Obviously I'd pay shipping


--- Quote from: beepbeep on Wed, 28 December 2022, 08:31:36 ---Anyone need ~66 cherry mx silent reds? (would ship from IL)

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I am in Israel. I might need those. PM sent.


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