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Movies about photography

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What movies have you guys seen that were about photographers, or photography in general?
Not just documental. I want to watch some and looking for recommendations.

Minamata - I have seen it, very good.
Under Fire looks good, haven't seen it.
Blow Up
Rear Window

There was that robin williams film. Not sure if it counts since he was the photo developer not a photographer.

Blow Up was an iconic period piece of Swinging Lodon psychedelia ....


--- Quote from: tp4tissue on Tue, 21 November 2023, 18:38:53 ---There was that robin williams film. Not sure if it counts since he was the photo developer not a photographer.

--- End quote ---

One Hour Photo? :)
Yeah, totally different movie, but yeah, it was good.


--- Quote from: fohat.digs on Tue, 21 November 2023, 18:42:22 ---Blow Up was an iconic period piece of Swinging Lodon psychedelia ....

--- End quote ---

I actually just watched the trailer few minutes ago. Looks interesting, thanks :)


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