geekhack Community > New Members

Hello from Texas!


Hi there Geekhackers,

I've been lurking this board for a little while, and I've finally decided to join up. I'm a 25 year old Wintel Sys admin who's worked in IT for about 8 years now, and I currently reside in Texas. I've been fascinated by computers and computer hardware since I was little, even though my family wasn't able to afford one until I was about 13 or 14.

I first used a computer in grade school, probably to do things like play Oregon Trail or look at a card catalog in the library. After I became familiar enough with the machines to start caring about what keyboard I used, I just remember always wanting to sit at the "clicky" ones.  ;D

I rarely touched a "clicky" keyboard after that, until about a year ago when I was feeling nostalgic and started looking into them. I was surprised to learn that they were a specific style of keyboard called "mechanical" and that there were other people out there who loved them!

I use a 1992 IBM blue label model M at home, who's keycaps are currently suffering from a bad dye job that I performed with Rid dye shooting for navy blue and ended up pink!  :-[

If I had to pick a switch type that I loved the most, it would be whatever style of buckling spring was in the IBM Wheelwriter 10 Series II electric typewriter. Plenty of fantastic tactile satisfaction, with a shorter quicker action than the Model M.

Anyway, glad to be aboard!

Welcome to Geekhack, fellow Texican!

Thanks for sharing. I think you will enjoy the forum; I certainly have. If you have questions, don't be afraid to ask. :D

Welcome to GH!

I am currently going to college for a computer networking degree, have less than a year left.

Sorry to hear about your model M.  The only bad thing about this forum is that your wallet will hate.  But don't be afraid to ask questions every one here is friendly(most of the time) and will answer your questions with no problem.

Welcome to Geekhack!

A few people have tried rit dying, with various results (from great to abysmal).  Search around and you will find their stories.


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