We are in the final push, as the Group Buy officially ends this weekend. The setback of cancelling the Normie Kit currently puts Base Kit numbers at 31. In order to finish strong and get the set made, I have decided to set an unofficial goal of 50 sets sold. This will include extras and personal sets that I already planned on purchasing. Doing this will make the Group Buy pretty close to break even, but I'm not concerned about making a profit, as much as I want to see this set on my boards and your's. The Group Buy has been rocky, which is my fault and I do apologize for that. I appreciate everyone who has participated and those who have encouraged me throughout the buy. With all that said, I want to explain the plans for the buy after this weekend. On Sunday, I'll take a look at numbers and if we are close enough, the buy will officially end as planned. If the goal hasn't met by then, we go into somewhat of a bonus round. I will extend the buy for 1 week or until the goal of 50 is hit. That means, after this Sunday, the GB will become FCFS until we hit 50 and then it will close. If the bonus week ends and we haven't hit, I will start the process of refunding everyone's orders, as I don't want to tie up anyone's money any further. Again, I apologize for this being such a crazy ride, but I hope that this buy becomes a success and I can submit our order with SP in the next week or so. Thank you guys so much!