geekhack Projects > Making Stuff Together!
Making a Wood Case for 65% PCB
Hi I'm trying to make some wood cases for the most common 65% PCB's (Tada68, DZ65, KBD67, DZ67, etc.) and I'm trying to figure out some of the trickier dimensions. I have the mounting hole distances from each other, but not from the edge of the PCB. Are there any published overall dimension of these PCB's? I'm also trying to figure out where the USB cutout should go. I've seen that it's usually between the first two keys in the top row, but not sure how far in to put it (basically how far away the switches are from the edge of the PCB. If anyone has any ideas or resources that would be much appreciated!
The problem isn't the pcb but the plate. Usually it is the 19,05mm unit plus some clerance and pcbs are always smaller than the plate, more info
The good comment is the one from dingusxmcgee
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That's very helpful, thank you! Is there any way for figuring out the USB? And the location of the mounting holes in relation to the switches? Like are they perfectly centered between certain keys?
Yes, if you use a chinese pcb usually the standard is perfectly centered between first and second key (' and 1) but here the hole dimmensions also depends on the cable and the connection type. For this I usually prefer to measure it with a caliper.
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Most 65% PCBs (like the Tada68, DZ65, and KBD67) adhere to similar overall dimensions:
Width: ~315-325mm
Height: ~110-120mm
Thickness: Usually around 1.6mm (standard PCB thickness).
However, there might be slight variations between models.
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