geekhack Community > Keyboards

Novel Features?

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One of my favorite things about building keyboards is doing weird and novel stuff.

For example, in a recent keyboard I managed to shove 30 encoders onto the PCB.  It’s not useful, but it’s a bit interesting. Other examples: infrared decoding so you can use a remote control, combining a mouse and keyboard into a single device, Hall effect switches for analog inputs, motorized linear potentiometers, solenoids, etc.

I’m looking for more stupid things to shove into a keyboard. Any ideas?

It was actually hard to think of stuff like this because I'm pretty plain when it comes to my keyboards. Retractable feet on a keyboard you build could be novel, don't really see a point but like you might. And side buttons on the keyboard could be novel (and actually serve a purpose lol)

Hope this gives you some ideas.

I actually really like idea of side buttons. I see a lot of keyboards with macro/reprogrammable columns k. The outside, but moving them to the actual side of the case would be a very neat aesthetic IMO. Mind if I steal this?


--- Quote from: Snipeye on Wed, 15 May 2024, 22:34:38 ---I actually really like idea of side buttons. I see a lot of keyboards with macro/reprogrammable columns k. The outside, but moving them to the actual side of the case would be a very neat aesthetic IMO. Mind if I steal this?

--- End quote ---

I don't think I could ever do it myself lol so it's fine.

Besides, when it comes to personal projects (or for me any project) It shouldn't matter if you take ideas, it's a communal hobby. It's also not stealing them too.

Some early workstations had a "fast" or "repeat" key that told the OS to increase the repeat rate.  Such a thing would be handy in console windows when you want to move the cursor rapidly.

> side buttons

Excellent idea! 


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