geekhack Marketplace > Group Buys and Preorders

geekhack key group buy - Feb 2011

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For the next group buy, we will do a blue key with white lettering.  These will be Cherry MX only.  I have plenty of orange on black Alps keys left, if you want some of them.

USA - First key $7 shipped, additional keys +$4 each.
Non-USA - First key $11 shipped, additional keys +$4 each.

Pre-pay just like the last batch. Send money via paypal (as a gift if at all possible) to herzog [at] uhhh [dot] org . Please include number of keys, your mailing address, and your geekhack alias/username.

just sent payment.  thanks.

Me too. Thanks iMav =)

are we still doing the "Geek Hack" GH key? :P
I was hoping for some other letters or figures on the key, any possibilities?


--- Quote from: manfaux;289090 ---are we still doing the "Geek Hack" GH key? :P
I was hoping for some other letters or figures on the key, any possibilities?
--- End quote ---

Sorry, I'll leave it to other GHers to organize such group buys.  I'll do a monthly GH key order for as long as there is demand...switching up color schemes for variety.


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