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What is the best free easy VPN ?

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Title says it. I haven't used a VPN but figured that I should probably start. Currently using Linux Mint.

VPNs require internet bandwidth in both directions and bandwidth is not free - if anyone offered me a free one I'd run away as it has to be a scam.

What do you hope to accomplish using one?
The whole privacy argument is a B.S. one made by the VPN providers.

Really the only reason to use one is for business (for remote access) or you want to watch something out of region/behind a firewall.


--- Quote from: Leslieann on Mon, 04 July 2022, 19:29:46 ---
Really the only reason to use one is for business (for remote access) or you want to watch something out of region/behind a firewall.

--- End quote ---

I got a 2nd notice from AT&T about infringing on somebody's copyright.
I think it might have been from downloading an episode of The Orville or Strange New.

VPNs basically require twice the data and Torrents use a TON of data, torrents also use a truckload of I/O operations, most VPN's frown on that use for them and it will cost you more (Tor networks frown on it for the same reason). Worse, unless they purge records you can still get an infringement notice through them unless you have a host in a country who doesn't care but that means sending the data further.  You have to be concerned if they get hacked, get sued, or simply sell the data, MANY VPNs are SHAAAAAADY as heck.

Don't forget if your VPN, browser or client crashes it can expose your true IP, happens more than people think. Crazier still, many studios (and feds) have deals with major ISPs allowing them to look at the data and that allows them to fingerprint the data, the feds have at times cracked TOR this way.

The upload is what gets you in trouble and torrents by default seed/upload, find a method that doesn't upload.


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