geekhack Marketplace > Zeal PC
Cherry OG Blank Black POM Now Available! (Limited Quantities!)
Hey guys, I got my hands on some limited quantity Cherry OG Blank Black POM keycaps! :D For those that have always wanted to try out POM / want a full black keycap set, this is the set to get. These caps are blacker than the Vortex PBT caps found on MD, and are also blacker than the Gateron black keycaps. These keycaps help deaden out bottom out sound as well due to the denser than PBT property of the material. Caps are incredibly smooth, yet a tad bit slippery to touch. The texture will only get better the more you type on them.
104 keyset:
Pre-sorted with row/alphas/mods/60%/TKL/Numpad all individually bagged.
Picture of the caps on my Red FMJ Case
Typing sound on 62g lubed Gateron Clears (Linear):
This is awesome, but I'm guessing no full touch caps lock and center stemmed spacebar?
--- Quote from: intelli78 on Wed, 08 July 2015, 12:47:00 ---This is awesome, but I'm guessing no full touch caps lock and center stemmed spacebar?
--- End quote ---
Unfortunately not, as those caps were never produced.
One thing to note is that GMK spacebars also include the off-center spacebar stem, so you can use the POM set and swap to a GMK set anytime.
Frick this is super tempting.
This looks great Zeal! I am tempted. :)
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