Good morning all,
I’d like to give an update to the overall situation with Hubble. This is long awaited and I apologize for every bit of inconvenience that the Mechs & Co. situation has caused.
A little background: Salvun was the manufacturer for the Hubble. He was never paid for the weights and the finishing of the keyboards. This has meant that the keyboards were moved into a dry storage while the Mechs & Co. situation settled. Salvun then worked with Mike from Mechs & Co. as well as Ragan from Space Holdings to get the current packaging, PCBs, and hardware over to Space Holdings.
The current status: Space Holdings (Space Cables) will be doing the fulfillment of the keyboards. The boards still need to be finished and will be done with Cerakote. There will be about 5-10 colors available for customers to choose from.
The bad & ugly: Due to the lack of funding for the finishing of the boards as well as the shipping from Belgium (Salvun’s location) to the US, funding is needed. What we have seen recently is that companies that pick up on failed vendors’ work generally offer a discounted price to the original customers. After there is an exclusive sale period to the original customers, there will be an open sale. I would expect the funding needed to be about $100 per board. We have the original customer list so we will be reaching out via those contact points.
How you can help: Because Hubble was a project pre-Takeoff Concepts, I do not have good reach with the Hubble customer base. If you have anyone who you know is a customer and is looking for updates, send them here and the Space Cables discord.
I would like to say I am very grateful for both Ragan and Salvun for taking on the grunt work with this project. Ragan especially had no relation to the project and is doing this to help the customers.
Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.
Takeoff Concepts Discord: Cables Discord: