geekhack Community > Keyboards

Apple Keyboard Wired (scissor-switch)

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cal it mud for all I care, I'd buy it.

Well, I went back and looked a little closer at this Taiwanese site (it helps to use the Babelfish translator), and what he's doing is taking a keyboard with the black (linear force) MX switches and swapping out brown (reduced-force tactile- apparently called "tea axis" in Chinese language markets) sliders into the switches, without unsoldering and swapping the whole switch.  He just pops the top off the switch and then exchanges the slider (and maybe spring) from loose brown slider MX switches.  In this picture you can see the enter key's already been doctored, but the ] key still has the black slider, and the \ key is being worked on:

Mouser Electronics has blue-slider MX switches at 58¢ each, if you order 100-249 (it drops to 53¢ for 250  or more) which works out to $60.32 (plus shipping) for 104 switches.  I'm not sure how much the switches weigh- maybe 2 lbs for 104? so I couldn't figure exactly what shipping would be- around $7-8.  So, for ~$70 you could change any MX keyboard to a clicky keyboard.  I've also e-mailed Mouser about the possibility of ordering just the slider- I'll post their reply when I get it.

Whiskey in the Jar-o:
I found them on for as little as 40 cents (no stock, albeit). So I think they can be had cheaper. It seems like it's cheaper to buy a Scorpius M10 and butcher it.


--- Quote from: Nonmouse ---So, for ~$70 you could change any MX keyboard to a clicky keyboard.
--- End quote ---

Or you could get an iOne Scorpius M10 for around $50 (shipping included).

Edit: Whiskey beat me to it. Just too quick for me.


--- Quote from: mr_sf_applet ---
--- Quote from: Nonmouse ---So, for ~$70 you could change any MX keyboard to a clicky keyboard.
--- End quote ---

Or you could get an iOne Scorpius M10 for around $50 (shipping included).

Edit: Whiskey beat me to it. Just too quick for me.
--- End quote ---

D'oh!  For some reason, I had it in my head that the Scorpius ran quite a bit more than that.


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