Sorry for the lack of updates, so just to quick confirm where things are at:
1) Color samples are all confirmed/finalised.
This took a few iterations as using opaque color code references really was hit/miss. Here's a quick photo to summarise the process:

2) Kitting composition is confirmed/final. Original post has been updated.

In the base kit, the novelties were trimmed down or shuffled around for further cost optimisations. It still has most of the fun stuff.
Got rid of the excessive R4 yellow C-button novelties, had to remove the 1.25u 'select' (1.50u remains). Also after looking at some samples of translucent shine-through windowed keycaps, ditched the idea translucent 'Power' windowed novelty keys. The light leakage is not great on windowed keys with translucent caps.
For all the kits, the underlying holes have been made a little less visible, as per the manufacturer, on the standard alphas/modifiers (non-novelty keys), these mold holes tend to be less evident (refer to photos of PBTFans Vior/Klein Blue photos). Note these renders are still an approximation, since all I have are novelty samples as reference which has a different mold structure.

In the accent kit, colours for directional arrows were changed to be a different colour configuration from the base kit RGBY arrows for extra variance. Yellow directional arrows removed for both cost optimisation and the fact that the novelty kit already has 4 yellow arrow novelty keys (the C-buttons). Colours in kits have been tweaked to better reflect the samples a little better.
There were nil changes to the 40s, numpad, and international kit (yes, the text 'Alt Gr' modifiers will stay... it doesn't effect the pricing if they're gone or not). Katakana sublegends kit is the same, but I'm still unsure if it'll still go ahead at this stage. I'd like to keep it, just so that people who get the base kit + alphas, could potentially cover 2 keyboards. Please note the katana kit render doesn't depict underling holes, which is inaccurate.
3) Estimated date of production:
I'm still waiting for an accurate ETA from the manufacturer. Sorry no news on that end. This will be a pre-orders -> in-stock model. I'm also awaiting quotes about the kit pricing before finalising vendors.
4) Deskmats:
Production files have been sent. Awaiting prototypes. I've decided to go with black stitching for all of them for simplicity's sake.
There was a choice between smooth fabric or Jacquard as deskmat texture, and I've decided on the latter.
5) Collabs:
I'm exploring keycap artisan options. I've been discussing Aiglatson Studio on what might be a good fit, and here's a proposal for a 1u metal keycap artisan:

Open to feedback. I did consider more gamer themes, such as a game cartridge, or D-pad, or gameboy, but given metal artisans are opaque, decided that a white accent with a simple but iconic atomic orbit would be better.
I'm also exploring potentially doing a Zoom 75 keyboard collab with Wuque Studios. However this would be dependent on if they can consistently match the polycarb top with the intended purple (they couldn't get it consistent for WS Akuamarin x Zoom75, which is why the top was changed to clear polycarb.
I will post again when I have more significant news on the project status.
Most importantly, color sampling is finalised, and it will get made. However, it's just a matter of when at this stage.