Hello everyone!
i've found an olivetti ank 25-102 keyboard that use a anp-de9(db9) connector, i'm trying to convert it to a ps2, it use just 5 pins of the connector and i've foud the pin out:
1 - green - DATA
2 - yellow - CLK
3 - white - GND
4 - blue - GND
5 - red - VCC (12V?)
so i've soldering it to a ps2 connector in this way:
1 - green - DATA -> 1 PS2 DATA
2 - yellow - CLK -> 5 PS2 CLK
3 - white - GND -> 3 PS2 GND
4 - blue - GND -> 6 PS2 NN (do I've to connect it at pin 3 as well?)
5 - red - VCC (12V or 5V? ) -> 4 VCC
then I connecct it to the pc but it doesn't work, the only feedbek I have are only the three leds (blk num, caps lock, blok scorr) on.
Do you have any ideas how to fix it?
A soon as I know its an at 102 keyboard, with INS8050 chip.
Thanks for any kind of help!