That looks beautiful. Are you going to paint the casing as well?
Was that how the original lighting brightness was?

Yes, I will paint the case. I was going to try some True Metallics Plasti Dip (
Anthracite Grey and
Aluminum Silver) but the supplier is closed on account of the super typhoon here. I'll probably get the plasti dip next week.
Regarding the original lighting...I sadly do not have pictures of when it was stock.

I have noticed that it is not as bright as before the mod since the illumination is more diffused as a result of the transparent switch top cover. The brightness used to be set to level 2 before the mod but now I keep in on level 3.
Before the mod, the legends on the lower part of the keys were darker compared to the legends on the top of the same key since the LED is on the top part of the switch

this just means that the "!" was brighter than the "1" on the same key. After the mod, the lighting is a bit more even but I can't really say for sure.