Author Topic: Vier Zwanzig MKII 2016  (Read 62468 times)

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Offline ClackFactory

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Vier Zwanzig MKII 2016
« on: Wed, 20 April 2016, 12:53:41 »

Open At-
"Green Clack" sale countdown (April, 20, 2016 @ 16:20)

ENDED!!! (4.20.16)


Blind sale. Get the feels or get out.

2) NO PMs!
3) First come first server order.
4) Email your order. (early emails will not count, but does not disqualify you, just annoys me).
5) Don't annoy me.
6) ONE item per person only.
7) Put your wish list item number in order of preference (in case you don't get your top choices) if you like.
8) Email address is at the bottom of this post, just follow the instructions for the address.
9) Dunn B shady, or Ya git skippd! And/or made fun of
10) ReREAD everything before emailing. Then ReREAD again.

Specific order info:
1) If you are international please put your shipping address and Phone # in the email.
2) Email order in this format:
Title/Subject: "Your GH username" + "GC 2016"
Body of email: Your wish list item numbers in order of preference.
3) I will email you back with PayPal payment instructions.
4) Items will be shipped via USPS first class and is included in prices.

Items for sale:
1) Herr Freitag MX  +friend  $95  Gone!
2) Herr Freitag T     +friend  $95  Gone!
3) Herr Freitag BS   +friend  $95  Gone!


Note: add up the numbers and change the "at" to "@" and the "dot" to "."
« Last Edit: Wed, 20 April 2016, 18:26:56 by ClackFactory »
A.K.A. "clickclack"   Vendor link ->Clack Factory   I've done so much with so little for so long, that I can do almost anything with nothing at all

Offline ClackFactory

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Re: Vier Zwanzig MKII 2016
« Reply #1 on: Wed, 20 April 2016, 18:39:05 »
Hang on guys...
I'm gunna try and get invoices out earlier tomorrow for the winners if I can't get them out tonight.
I will do my best AND I will keep you posted.

-cc  =)
A.K.A. "clickclack"   Vendor link ->Clack Factory   I've done so much with so little for so long, that I can do almost anything with nothing at all

Offline ClackFactory

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Re: Vier Zwanzig MKII 2016
« Reply #2 on: Thu, 21 April 2016, 14:18:22 »
I sent reply emails with:

 "in -cc  =)"

If you made it into the sale.

If you did not get a reply email then you unfortunately didn't make it in this time.

For those who did get the "in" reply, hang tight. When I have more computer time soon I will email you the invoicey stuffs.

A.K.A. "clickclack"   Vendor link ->Clack Factory   I've done so much with so little for so long, that I can do almost anything with nothing at all

Offline ClackFactory

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Re: Vier Zwanzig MKII 2016
« Reply #3 on: Sat, 03 September 2016, 16:41:32 »
I'm mostly alive...

ALL items from this sale as of a few days ago have been shipped out!!!

A.K.A. "clickclack"   Vendor link ->Clack Factory   I've done so much with so little for so long, that I can do almost anything with nothing at all